Focus on Research

mithradevi , Last updated: 06 June 2011  

Hearty thanks to each and everyone who gave their valuable comments on my article “SKILL SET TO CRACK YOUR RESEARCH”. Many of my fellow friends have many questions like - What is research?, How to do research?  And so on. In order to facilitate them I tend to write the present article, before starting my future part of research. Even I need some more time to analyze the future part of research, on which I am currently working on.   

Let us get into the topic.

 What is RESEARCH?

In my own experience let me explain the meaning of research – nothing but application of your conceptual / theoretical knowledge into the real world situation, do some analysis and provide suggestions beneficial to our own future generation / help out in decision making in the current situation.

Why to do RESEARCH?

There is a saying that “Written plans are worthless unless it is executed”.  In the same line, we study 4 + 6 + 8 papers (Foundation + IPCC +Final) in our chartered accountancy course.  Do you think that studying all those papers are to clear the exam and just add prefix CA to your good name. Definitely not, what we study in our course is just L.K.G of our subjects.  If you continue with research in your favorite area, then you may proudly say that you have been promoted from LKG to UKG. Seriously, I am not joking. Can anybody measure the depth of knowledge you have in Economics or Information Technology or Financial Reporting? Just for few minutes give a thought and say – Do you want to do at least one research in your life time with your master brain and prove your mastery OR simply a big “No”.

How to do RESEARCH?


Research can be done in two ways - either in Full-time basis or in part-time base. Those who are engaged with employment and have to make money for their family can prefer part-time basis.  Others can prefer full-time research work.

Part time

Full time

  • For those who are working.
  • For those who want to pursue research work from dawn to dusk.
  • You can meet your guide once in a week / month / based on guide and your need.
  • You have to go to the college / University daily, where you have registered for research work and sign in the attendance.
  • Work Experience certificate is needed to get registered for carrying out research work.
  • Not needed.


  • A Master degree in the discipline/university recognized Professional course is needed.
  • A Master degree in the discipline/university recognized Professional course is needed

Time Duration: 3 Years

Time Duration: 2 Years


Any Research has to be carried out under a person who has

·         Has been in teaching profession for minimum 10-15 years of experience.

·         Have minimum number of Publications

·         Number of vacancy under his guideship

Note: The eligibility conditions differ from University to University. For more details refer respective University website or University Grant Commission website (www.ugc.org)

Common Conditions to be satisfied for both Full-time and Part-time Research:


  • You should hold minimum number of your own paper presented at any national or international level conferences (preferably Governing body like UGC, AICTE funded) at the time of submission of your research work to the university (Each and every college come under an university except Autonomous colleges and deemed universities)
  • If you have M. Phil (Master of Philosophy) degree in your discipline, the no need to clear a written paper on “Research Methodology” otherwise you have to clear the said paper during their research period and get it cleared before your submission.

When to do RESEARCH?

That is your own choice.  There is no age limitation to carryout the research.  Immediately after completing your master degree or professional course, you can start your research work and you have time till your date of death. It is ‘the conviction’ you have within you that decides when to start your work and most importantly when you complete and submit your work.  The purpose of stressing this point is majority of research scholars starts their work and left incomplete saying number of reasons.

When your RESEARCH gets completed?

So far, I was saying - have mind to carry out research, do research on how to do research, select your own guide, finalize the title and get it registered. Now, let me tell you some important points in a summary format.

  • Start your work
  • Do review of literature related to your topic
  • Be regular in your work
  • Don’t show hesitation in getting data  which will be useful to your in future,
  • Have specialized skill to convert the data into information and get it into your thesis.
  • Wastage of time, cost and energy is common in research. Be mentally prepared for that.
  • Have a brass track during the research period. Don’t deviate from your main point
  • If you have chance to come across anything related to your research topic, (in newspaper, books, journals, websites) – Get that information into respective research files (Hard copy and soft copy).
  • You have to be a good editor, if you want to complete your work and submit on time.

Finally research has its own beauty part of it. What I have discussed is for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in any discipline.  Your research will be completed, only when your work has been examined, reviewed and finalized by the doctoral committee.  To get clarifications on your work, public Viva Voce will be conducted within six to ten months period from the date of your submission.  On the D-Day you will be presenting your own research work in front of 200-300 members, get reviewed by external examiner, your guide, co-guides and own department members as well as unknown members. Get ready for that.  After this great battle, you will be awarded the doctoral degree and from that moment you can say proudly that I am Dr. ____________so & so.

Don’t think that your education stops with your last exams you cleared.  We are still students and will be students till the moment of our death.  So, start doing research on your interesting subject. Soon, expect future part of research. Please, keep commenting on me which makes me a better writer.


I did my research on non-life insurance sector. I was attracted by the insurance sector simply for one reason – in insurance income (premium) first; expenses (claim) next – interesting na!. My research title is “A STUDY OF THE INTROSPECTS AND PROSPECTS OF NON-LIFE INSURANCE INDUSTRY IN INDIA”. The accounting knowledge of general insurance company from our PE-II and auditing knowledge of general insurance companies from our great final helped me a lot in my research work.


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