Fixing the old

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 21 February 2022  

"Why don't you just buy a new almirah instead of getting the old one polished? We can easily afford the new one" I asked my mom.

"I don't want the new one. I am happy with the old" she replied

The problem with our era or generation is that we don't fix things. We are a confused lot who work hard to achieve success but we don't know what to do with that success afterwards. Our happiness of achievement vanishes very soon and then we start looking for other source of achievement and keep running this blind race.

Fixing the old

There are so many cases of divorce, depression, suicides because we have become shallow from inside. We don't know how to maintain things, be it success or relationships.. We don't want to follow social norms but are still stuck in it. We want freedom, but have become slave of this materialistic world. The problem is that "we want". Its that shallow sense of achievement which creates unrest in us.

We expect the world to understand us, but inside we all are confused about ourselves. We don't understand ourselves. We look for shortcuts for happiness, the things that could calm our materialistic ego for some time. We save or earn money for a new phone, but after few days it starts to look boring because of sense of happiness which was dependent of that materialistic item vanishes.


We feel elated when we enter into a relationship but after few days boredom creeps in and tiffs start. We don't believe in fixing that. We crib about it, leave the other person without giving any explanation or without talking about the issues and resolving them, In this thought of "we deserve better", we are going through depression and loneliness.

We all worked hard to become CA and are on cloud nine we achieve it, but after few days this sense of achievement goes for a toss and again we are confused about what to do with it further. Same goes with relationships.


We have to learn to maintain things; fix the broken pieces of life to move further. Life is not only about finding the new purpose every day, it's also about continuously finding the happiness in the things or people we have.

What we want is important, but we do with what we have is far more important.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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