First step before filling up exam form

Gagan Somani , Last updated: 25 January 2016  

This is my first article and it is all about planning for a first step for preparations of Final. Friends result is already declared (most of us declared walking dead by ICAI).

I know most of us are facing some tough questions, for e.g.-

1. What should we do now?
2. Single or both groups?
3. Study materials – ICAI modules or reference books? Or is there any need to change my last preferred materials? ( Toughest one)
4. Why this happen to me? (especially for those who lost because of aggregate)
5. Many more

Guys start your preparations as soon as possible. Don’t involve in emotional thinking. Overthinking is not a good thing for you (Jo hona tha ho Gaya). When it comes to failing, our egos are our own worst enemies. Guys accept whatever it is and start with new approach. /articles/i-failed-but-not-defeated-26016.asp

First of all decide what you really want to do, I mean single or both groups. One of the most common reason for failure and of course the thing what icai wants from us. If you have already done good preparations for both groups and believe that your course will finish before 15/20 march in any case or already appeared in nov15 but lost due to aggregate then go for it.

Now I am going to write some lines especially for those who prepared for both groups but they got very less marks in nov15 or those who believe that I born only for both groups and already appeared for more than 2 attempts and still scored very less or not in position to score even minimum marks required to pass the paper or equal preparation in both groups but not want to go for both or those who still looking out for some strategy online. Guys believe me this is a crucial decision for you and it is the only decision which affect the students like you. Decide this as soon as possible because it related to your preparations, strategy, stress and motivation. Remember don’t fill the exam form with the option you don’t like or you think that I can do it later.

Now the study materials – toughest one as well as controversial one. It’s my personal opinion so decide the one you are comfortable with.

ICAI modules are best one but not for everyone many of us have same problem of affecting by length. I am giving here list of books I referred for ca final-

FR- notes of Sharma sir (AS+Chapters) and pm
SFM- notes of karnawat sir (Local teacher) and pm
Audit- vk Agarwal and eLearning for SA
Law- Allied from munish Bhandari handbook and cos act from module
AMA- pm + parag sir revisionary questions for nov15
ISCA- module (I got 68 in isca)
Dt- ICAI eLearning + pm and banger compiler in exam time
IDT- banger

Why this happen to me? - Nobody can give answer to this one.

If I left out any other important question then post the same below this article.
I will try to give you individual subject strategy in upcoming articles.

Surrender to what is + Let go of what was + have faith in what will be = Success

You can contact me for any help or further guidance-

Thanks & Regards
CA Gagan Somani

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Published by

Gagan Somani
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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