Few Thoughts about Exams

Ankit Aryal , Last updated: 25 October 2012  

Even before I was creating the draft of this article in my mind, I was stuck by the thought will the message I want to deliver through this article be delivered in the same meaning? While I was still pondering on this thought I remembered the great Bhagwat Geeta, it states, “Thinking of result even before doing your work is like expecting for fruit before it is ripen.” So keeping the same thought in mind I’m expressing my thoughts upon few things.

For those Appearing in Nov.2012 Exams : Whatever be the status of your class even if its running till the mid of October ,whatever be the status of your study even if you haven’t started it yet, never ever think of dropping your exams. Appearing in exams is winning the half battle. Start your preparation now and believe me still you can crack the exams. It is the common problem we student face, the nearer the exam, the thought of dropping this attempt so that to do better in next attempt creeps in our mind. Shut that thought immediately, and think that you are going to appear this exam itself cause every opportunity is a different opportunity. Some may say after 6 months w get the opportunity but remember its not the same opportunity so grab the opportunity which you have.

I thought deeper in this thought (because I myself had this kind of feelings as my exams crept nearer to me) and asked myself why do we feel this way? The answer I got was we lack Confidence; we lack faith in our self, we don’t lack knowledge, the knowledge which we have is more than enough to crack the exam, the point lies in our attitude. Our thought process says this time I couldn’t prepare cause I had to take class or my revision is not started so just drop this exam and next attempt I will crack it but believe me just change your attitude and say whatever be my level of preparation I’m going to give this attempt. This attitude of ours gives us confidence and so the energy which we start to pour in our labor increases and thus it increases our efficiency.

Some of us give first paper and think our self that the paper was bad so we don’t show up for the remaining paper and later when we have result we see that the paper which we thought has gone bad was not so bad at all in-fact it was good, we had passed, at that moment we regret our decision so save our self from those moment I suggest that whatever be the first paper or whichever paper, just attempt all the paper. Think as if you are the soldier in the war you have to fight until the last drop of blood in your body, same way once we stand as a student in exam just be there until the last exam. This gives you confidence and secondly if you score exemption marks in any subject you can claim that. I have seen so many students who couldn’t claim their exemption because they didn’t appear in all the paper. So whatever may be your any paper continue giving all the papers.

Thinking upon the reasons why we feel the way like dropping the exam or the paper one of the prominent reason is Fear Of Result. At this instance I remember what Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar said before a Test Match series. When asked about what you think would be the result of this test match he said, “The result is not in my hand, what’s in my hand is my performance and I don’t want to fail in my department.” So as a Student our Department is to appear in paper, it’s ICAI to check our Result so stop thinking about Result and concentrate in job in hand that is preparation. All the Best.

Thanks And Regards

Ankit Aryal

CA Final

Email: a1zankit@gmail.com

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Ankit Aryal
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