Download of GST ANX-2 JSON file
1. Why do I need to download the GST ANX 2 JSON file from the GST Portal?
The data in GST ANX-2 is majorly auto-populated from the data uploaded by the supplier in his/her Form GST ANX-1, GSTR-5 and GSTR-6. The recipient is required to take action of Accept/ Reject/ keep Pending on the documents in his /her GST ANX-2.
You need to download the JSON file from the GST Portal, so that auto-drafted details in Form GST ANX-2 can be opened in the New Return Offline Tool, for viewing or taking actions on such records.
2. How can I download the JSON file from the GST Portal?
To download the JSON file from the GST Portal, navigate to Returns > New Return (Trial). Select Financial Year, Return Filing Period, Form/Return (as GST ANX-2) and Preparation Mode (as Upload/Download JSON). Choose Download tab and select the date range and click on “Generate JSON File to Download”. To download a specific table, select the table type and Uploaded From and Uploaded Till date range and click on “Generate JSON File to Download”.
3. Can I generate a JSON file of Form GST ANX-2, in New Return Offline Tool, without taking any action?
Once you have download JSON file from the GST Portal and open it in New Return Offline Tool, you need to mandatorily take action(s) on the documents, to generate JSON file of GST ANX-2, to upload it on the GST Portal.
4. Can I download the details of all tables in one go?
Yes, you can download the details of all tables in one go without selecting any table.
5. How can I download the details of specific table?
You need to select the specific table from the drop-down list to download the specific details of a table.
Online upload of GST ANX-2 JSON file
6. How can I upload the JSON file into the GST Portal?
Taxpayers may use the New Return Offline Tool to view or take action in details of Form GST ANX-2, as downloaded from the GST Portal, after importing it in the New Return Offline Tool. Once Form GST ANX-2 is prepared (after taking actions) using offline Tool, it can be uploaded on the GST Portal by creating a JSON file.
7. How can I upload the generated JSON file from the New Return Offline Tool?
To upload the generated JSON file from the New Return Offline Tool, login into the GST Portal and navigate to Returns > New Return (Trial). SelectFinancial Year, Return Filing Period, Form/ Return (as GST ANX-2)and Preparation Mode (as Upload/Download JSON). Choose Upload tab and select the generated JSON file and upload.