Failed in CA Final, don't worry be happy

CA Jahanvi Trivedi , Last updated: 19 July 2011  

Hello CA Finalists,


One more result day and the same pass-fail stories. Out of 5 friends, two have passed, three have failed. Now what? Jeeyenge marenge saathme lekin CA honge? Aage pichhe.


My dear friends, we all know that failing in CA is very common. Then why do we get worried with one more failure.


Sorry, this article is not for those who have passed their finals today. All successful people, you can enjoy your parties. The rest who have not passed will join you after reading this article, I hope so. Fail ho gaye aur party? Shocking isn’t it. Everyone’s parents, elders, relatives would say a lot of things today, and for party, a strict no, no. But then how to come out of this situation? Tomorrow everything will be normal but how to pass today? Let me give you some techniques as I usually keep giving.


1. Keep yourself totally away from it:


This is not very easy. We keep on thinking about the papers, our answers, marks that we have got, etc. But we have to forcefully train our brain to keep away from this.

We can think of those who don’t even get a chance to study like us, or those who have to struggle to earn money at very early age. Little bit sad, but true. We are very lucky to get the chance of studying what we like.

Do you want to think how luckily you could escape from recent bombblast of Mumbai? Soch ke dekho, accha lagega. Think of those who are hospitalized and struggling to get back to their normal life. Zindgi hai to sab hai.

Tried, but finding still difficult to get away from failure thoughts? Try some other things.


2. Take help of your favorite activity:


Go and enjoy with your favorite sport, book, music, movie, dance, painting, cooking, or anything you like. At least for sometime you can forget your failure and relax. After all you will need the relaxed mind for your further studies, right?


3. Curse your results:


This is one more technique to overcome failures. Cry. Keep crying till you get tired. Really this is a proven technique of relaxing. Curse your result. The famous “Jab we met” Karina style is very useful for today’s situation. You can take a print out of your failed result and burn it. Curse your marks. And just like Karina, I will say doing these childish things will actually rejuvenate you.


4. Meditation:


Now its meditation time! Analyze your self. Challenge yourself. And lastly promise yourself that next time you will come out with grand success.

5. Join your successful friends for party:


Yes, now you have almost returned to your normal situation. You can congratulate your successful friends. Ask them for a grand party. Enjoy with them with whole heart. After all you will also invite them in your party, isn’t it?


6. Return home and start your studies from now onwards:

Ok, enough of brain washing. Come back to normal situation. Start studying from now. And please do not forget, you have to treat every attempt as the fresh one. All the best for the next attempt and don’t forget to invite me in your party.


If you liked this article, please try it. Any comments bad or good are welcomed. If you did not like it, curse me, you will feel rejuvenated after doing so.

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Published by

CA Jahanvi Trivedi
(Compliance manager)
Category Students   Report

14 Likes   58118 Views


08 January 2012 CA Ruskin B

thumps up

07 August 2011 CA.B.Sivakumar

really nice and it will be useful to the upcoming ca's and my wishes for the forthcoming exams.

02 August 2011 Sarat Kumar Sahoo


01 August 2011 kailash

mind blowing and help ful article...thx

28 July 2011 G.N.Kishore Kumar Reddy

It's really motivating. Thank u

27 July 2011 Ajoy Shah

good enough

27 July 2011 prabhat

Mindblowing aricle for those who get frustrated after failing in exam

27 July 2011 Mukesh Kumar Singh

Nice Article Sir,,,,,Thank You very much

26 July 2011 Sumit Kumar

Nice Article Sir,,,,,Thank You very much

24 July 2011 XEENA ANEEX


23 July 2011 Anshul

Great .....i didn't appear yet but i like ur article...... "Manzil mil jayegi bhatak kar hi sahi , Gumshuda toh woh hai jo ghar se nikle hi nahi"

22 July 2011 CA ASHISH

all right

22 July 2011 Deepika Maheshwari

Nice Idea Dear....

22 July 2011 Ashish Bansal

Miss Jahanvi, thanx.... I'll surely try the JAB WE MET Idea...

22 July 2011 Pankaj Pendse

22 July 2011 Prerna Nagori

Very Nyc article...

22 July 2011 sumit

Thanks for giving me such a spirit. it is very hard to comeover from this situation but we have to do it and face it as a challenge...yes I CAN DO IT

22 July 2011 AMJAD


21 July 2011 Siddhu

Gud one!!

21 July 2011 Riddhi Ratandhayara

Very nyc article....

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