You might have prepared to the best of your ability for any exam but couldn't make it & flunked by 1 or 2 marks, couldn't secure a good job even after qualifying in one go, everything was going right but last moment something or other happened and you could not crack interview.
Well congratulations!!
Now you might be wondering, why I am congratulating on your failure.
Let me share something, back in November 2018, I had my first attempt of CA final but unfortunately I couldn't make it and was left with just one exemption in hand, Whereas, few of my friends cleared in first attempt itself. They were Chartered Accountants and I was into that 6 months trap again. Then comparison game started, with all that in mind I appeared for next attempt and flunked by 5 marks. Again few of my friends cleared and I somewhere left behind alone. I isolated myself completely, no social media, no friends, no family outings because I was scared to the question "why you couldn't make it yet?"

One fine day, I pushed myself up, gave myself a pep talk. Drag myself out of that "self-pity zone" and decided to participate in National conference for CA students, although I haven't been on stage for long, but gave it a try, thinking "what maximum could go wrong, i would choke, doesn't matter", but it turned well, people appreciated and from there itself got to know about a public speaking club & I got associated with same. Got in touch with my dancing again & won a dance competition too, gave writing a try, have written 500 quotes so far, recently 3 of my poetries published on Amar Ujala Kavya Website, started blogging and my own You Tube channel too. Also I cleared Group 2 of CA final in November 2019 itself, now left with 3 exams. Although I haven't touched the success bar set by society but the learnings I got in process are much more worthy.
If I have had cleared in my first attempt itself, I would have never been able to discover many things about me. Self-discovery starts from the moment, you accept yourself completely with all your failures, and start to trust your life timing and journey.
Here I jotted down few learnings from my journey of failure:-
Writing it out:- To discover about oneself, it's important to keep check on what we think most of the time or what are our dominant thoughts, our thoughts determine how we feel & how we feel have an impact on how we perform. Start writing whatever comes your mind to keep a track of your thoughts, you'll start to get clarity about yourself eventually.
Mindset :- everything in your life is a reflection of choices you made, & mindset isn't exception. One can choose positive or negative mindset. Positive mindset not always guarantee success but atleast it gives you courage to give your best shot whereas a negative mindset hold you back & prevent you from doing so.
Give your best and leave the rest :- we have no control over the outcome, what we can just focus on is the quality of our actions. Put best of your efforts, regret is painful than failing.
Courage to try something new with a thought:-"what maximum can go wrong, I'll fail, nothing much".
Friendships:- Many a times, you may not end up with the same people, with whom you have started your journey, or you might not be in the talking terms with someone whom you called your best friends. Nothing to feel bad about this, this is part & parcel of life and trust me, if they are meant to be in your life, they'll be back again. Don't beat yourself up for same. Also at times we feel, we are left behind alone, we start to feel lonely, it isn't that bad it could be a blessing in disguise.
Make you more aware about yourself, it will help you in figuring out your strengths, weaknesses in your personal and professional lives.
Don't compare your result with others, even if you want to, then compare with their efforts, dedication, discipline, passion & all those early mornings & sleepless nights, you'll most probably get your answer why they made it and where you lacked.
Trust the process: You are exactly where you need to be. Not early, not late, just on your timing.
Have faith: Either you flunked in exam or you couldn't crack interview, it's because something better is coming your way. May be you could sense it today or not but you'll came across something worthy for you, be it success in exam, job or any person in your life.
Whatever is happening in your life, it may seem unpleasant to you today, but that's happening to make you the better version of yourself. Take few minutes out of your hustle everyday & try to figure out what life is trying to teach you from that failure.
Discover your saviour and your Hero within yourself. You already possess answer to all your questions.