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Expectation from Today's Generation

CA Pallav Singhania , Last updated: 05 January 2012  

Education is the bridge between a person and his desire.

Today's generation haldling the pressure of education lots more than expected.

Education is considered as the key to success in all aspects whether its personal, social, economical, or mental welfare but it is sad to see the education is not serving the purpose which it was thought to serve.

We can see frustated students,teachers and parents being so much concerned for education,as they want theirkids to get best of education and in doing so that,all are losing the essence of real education which is ti make an individual a better person not a bitter one.

You can read about suicides daily in the newspapaer and it is really very sad to note that the young kids are more into suicides.

As Ameer Khan said in the movie "3 IDIOTS" the main cause of student commit suicide is the pressure Education, to score more marks to stand on parents, teachers and society Yardstick.

I've seen and heard students talking about that parents are always comparing them with other kids and never appreciate them for once. Every child born with some limitations and some uniqueness that no other can be with it.

I've tired to see through the eyes of today's children who rae turning into some industrial product moulded by parents, teachers, family members, relatives etc. as if they are non living objects.

I have very honestly seen things as myself went through it and I know what a student feel when someone compare oneself to others. 

A word of advice.

Don't bother about what society is going to think or say, just believe in yourself and god.

Work hard,be honest,be kind and try to make yourself a better person than fake as we can fool and cheat people around us but not to GOD.

We all are GOD gifted, it depends how quickly we open our wrappers!


Aryan Singhania

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Published by

CA Pallav Singhania
(IT System Auditor)
Category Students   Report

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