Exam time strategy

Deepak kumar sharma , Last updated: 03 October 2012  

Exams are approaching in few weeks. In exams, what matter most are proper revision and what we do in final 3 hours. Time is neither more nor less but it depends on our planning, mindset and efforts. So we will here briefly discussing proper revision technique and strategy for exam days.

It is not unusual in ca exams to fails continuously. The reasons may be vary including improper attention, lack of proper planning and revisions accordingly. Fear comes when we don’t have a plan. In other words if we lack in managing study and revision then fear generates and it kills our confidence which ultimately lead us towards less marks than we deserve.

The strategy I am talking about here is not new but the traditional one. It is simply called management.

Before starting, some lines for motivation which is fundamental element of success.

“Never regret about past, instead start again. Failure is temporary and success is permanent. One can’t be successful without facing failure. Brilliant persons also struggle at times. Enemies towards success are fear, waste activities and narrow mindset. A prepared mind converts most of the chances into victory. Our brain is super powerful. It can remember hundreds of books. We need the same interest like in a movie and same repetition like our favorite song. We do not spend as much time during doing a task as much we spend by facing the consequences of not doing the task.”

As we know that management has 5 broad steps to follow which are here under:-

Planning is the first and most important step. We want to study and revision but fail to do so in manner we want. So first, we need a written plan covering 100% syllabus. No matters you have already read or not. It will include both theory as well as practical of each subject. Plan should be suitable according to one’s capacity.

Count the remaining days, Write down each day with dates in serial (for half the days available, for next half days, you need an another plan)

  1. Give headings of all the subjects to be study
  2. Under each subject, write down the chapters to be study allotting proper time
  3. Tick the chapter after study, no matter you get it fully or not, move on

Illustrative plan


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Subject 5

Subject 6


Chapter 1 (heading)

Chapter 1,2 (heading)

Chapter 1,2 (heading)

 Chapter 1,2(heading)

Chapter 1 (heading)

1,2 (heading)




































In this manner, revise the whole syllabus in fast track mode at least twice. Two or three days shall be reserved to prepare 1st paper. Well begin is half done.


In this part, we have to create the proper environment. Choose a calm and distraction free place. It should be airy, having adequate light and comfortable. Have proper resources like reference books, RTP, practice manuals, notes etc. Prepare your short and important notes to revise in less time. Avoid the side activities like movies, TV, mobile, internet. . Give value to study and time will be automatically managed


Make proper balance between study, sleep and food and fun. All are equal important parts even in exam time. But give maximum quality time towards study. Keep fit self both physically and mentally by exercise, game, music, yoga etc.


Lead yourself. If we wait for the perfect moment or perfection in anything, we shall never begin. Learn to say “NO” to others. Avoid multitasking; just concentrate on study. Prepare, revise and practice. Prepare yourself for exam before exam. Know your weakness and strength. You have to work on your deficits and overcome.


Self control means not having options other than your aim. You need discipline like a true monk. Be self centric during exam days. Develop sense of detachment from outer world.

While preparing for the exams

Prepare brief notes form good books and revise them. Make day to day planning and achieve the same. Take help from friend but use your experience. Never lose faith in your abilities and devalue your worth. Keep your confidence high because it is very important to succeed in life.

During exam days

Please sleep well. You need more sleep to keep yourself mentally fit. You need to take rest in regular intervals. Have some fun if you can afford during study breaks. Proper eating and drinking is also important. Never avoid breakfast, lunch or dinner at time. Have dinner 3-4 hours before sleeping time.

On exam day

Never compare and discuss with others at exam center or outside during exams. Everyone has different types of preparation style and solutions. They will lead you nowhere. Presentation of the paper in the allotted 3 hours is an important skill to master. One should write legibly and neatly and answer the question in a concise manner. Attempting maximum marks of answers is very necessary.

In the end, again some power thoughts - Whatever is hard bears the sweeter fruits. Take the responsibility on your own shoulders. It’s you versus you competition. It is only the thought that breaks a person, not the situation. So conquer yourself. Raise your own bar. CA is not a qualification, it is passion. Dream become thoughts and thoughts become actions. So let it end here and start some work. Go and get it.

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Published by

Deepak kumar sharma
(Govt. job)
Category Students   Report

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