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The effective way to study for CA Exam

CA Rakesh Ishi , Last updated: 20 December 2022  

Pursuing the toughest course in India, the CA course is not easy but not so difficult to clear.

If your current method of study is not helpful, then you must change the method of study to clear the CA exam.

An effective strategy for your exam is essential, working with the right study material and study techniques not only helps you clear CA exams but also develops you as a problem solver in your life.

"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, but never the goal"

The effective way to study for CA Exam

1) First of all, you need to create a good environmental condition for your mind, body and external surroundings.

a) Improve your Focus
b) Helps you to generate study mood
c) Keeps you motivated.
d) Make sure you never have to change place of study every now and then,
e) switching the study environment might reduce your concentration power.
f) it makes it hard for you to focus.
g) Make sure it is clean regularly and keep it organized.
h) If possible, join a library, not with friends but for your own good self.

"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.

2) If you can’t memorize vast amounts of information in a short period of time. Then you need to develop an effective study method and for that it is very essential to have an effective Time management plan.

a) Give your study target to hit on a daily basis.

b) Make your study plan

- Daily plan - Time-Table,
- Syllabus to cover in Days
- Days remaining for the CA exam.

c) Make a regular routine plan and follow till the last day of your exams.

d) Discipline is the Key ingredient for the success of your Time management for CA exam.

e) It improves your retention power and keeps you in flow of study

f) Revised before start and you will never forget the important topics and information.

g) One of the important features of time management is to organize the work efficiently.

h) It helps to prioritize the most important topics first

i) Reduce consumption of unproductive hours in searching and shuffling here and there for notes

j) Note down all the time you spent on study and non-study activities at the end of the day.

k) Gives insight on wastage of time.

l) Only sleep enough which is required and not a full 8 hours of sleep.

i. Most successful people not sleep more than 4 hours including PM Modi ji
ii. Take super nap of 5-10 minutes if required
iii. Give your 3-4 hours extra to study

3) Use the R-R-R Method (Review, Read and Rewrite)


a) Firstly, review the whole chapter details, Main headings, subheading, charts and flowcharts.

b) Read for questions you may find during the first review and are difficult to understand.

c) After reading, make a note in your own words. Try to identify important points and topics that might be frequently asked in exams.

d) Writing in your own words might be a lengthy task and boring work but it improves your handwriting speed and systematic presentation which helps in completing answers during exam time.

e) A systematic colour notes/ information can improve memory performance during study so,

i. while making notes make use of colour pens not more than 3 colours i.e., Red – Heading, Blue – Sub-heading, Black - Notes.

ii. There is no hard and fast rule to use above colours as per your choice so that it makes it easier to recall the information and points of any topic, chapters.

f) At least study 1-2 hour for each subject and never skip any subject based on your liking because you have to study each subject no matter what

  • Use Night time for practical subjects so you don’t fall asleep,
  • Morning for theoretical subjects for more focused and good retention of concepts,
  • Evening for light subjects and for revision purposes.

g) ABC marking of topics, also for Questions frequently asked during exams.

  • A for Difficult and important,
  • B: Moderate but important
  • C: Easy to remember

h) Become your own teacher and think what would be asked in exams and prepare notes accordingly.

i) Make a habit of writing at least 2 pages of theory subjects daily and at least 10 questions of practical subjects. The more you do the chances of passing increase.

j) Create flashcards, Charts to paste on your wall. For example, list of TDS sections, GST rates, Income Tax Slab Rate, etc. make sure you go through daily for revision


k) Make changes in the Time-table if required, be flexible with your plan but not your goal to become CA.

i. Keep more time for difficult subjects, topics

ii. Try to find the best combo of practical and theoretical subjects so that you don’t get burned out doing the same subjects for hours.

iii. Take breaks during study only few minutes and not for hours

l) If you want to understand something very well such as Income Tax provision, Law technical language, then try to explain it in simple words or attempt to explain in your own words, you will be able to understand it faster.

4) If you are more of a visual learner then you should try mind mapping, a technique that allows to organize information in visual form and easier to recall it. Some may use acronym and short-form to remember lengthy topics or concepts

For example, GST registration to whom it applicable,

  • Who are exempt,
  • Conditions for registration,
  • Compliance to follow after registration, etc.

it is all about connecting the main topics with sub-heading and conditions related to branches.

"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul"

5) Only when you are not able to concentrate or not in the flow state of mind to study, then listen to instrumental music only or lo-fi beats.

a) It makes you calm and focused without getting distracted in the songs.
b) Only recommended for practical subjects not for theoretical subjects.
c) Make sure you don’t dwell in random feelings and in your own world of thoughts/ideas.
d) Always remember why you are doing CA and what is the purpose of your life. Your WHY should be greater than your excuses.

6) Avoid checking your phone during study time or at the start of it.

i. Keep it as a reward after completing your set target. Nothing is more important than your CA Degree.
ii. Mute or turn off notifications of all the social apps including Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook etc.
iii. Turn-on fight mode which means study mode.
iv. Use it for your CA exam and not for timepass
v. Phone time will pass but in Exam you will not pass.

"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working."

7) If you struggling to feel motivated for study then you should try exercise,

a) Adding 15 minutes of exercise to daily routine will give you the push, boost and energy to sit longer for studies.
b) It helps to improve memory and brain function by releasing endorphins which improve mood.
c) Also reduces stress and sweating during exercise removes all negative feelings and toxins from your body.
d) You can also listen to Sandeep Maheshwari videos, Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Tony Robbins.
e) Listening to Motivational videos in English will also improve your English vocabulary.
f) Write positive affirmations on Why you want to become CA. For Example,

  • I want to become CA for my parents, friends.
  • I want to become CA for respect, fame, dignity and freedom,
  • I want to become a CA to earn a good salary and become a millionaire.
  • I want to become CA because I ___________________________

The author can also be reached at carakeshishi@gmail.com

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Published by

CA Rakesh Ishi
(Working at Private Company)
Category Students   Report

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