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Easy life with Will...!

Prasanna.Rm , Last updated: 25 April 2008  



he importance of will power cannot be exaggerated. The will is the power house of the human machine. Will power is the greater motive force that lies behind every activity of the human body or the mind.
Easy life
It is given to few of us to be of the truly heroic cast of mind, that type of mind that combines iron will power with sound reason. Nevertheless it is an ideal to be aimed at. And the nearer we get to it the easier life becomes.!!!
Famous Quotes Too Fits “THE WILL”
“ Our Strengths , our Intelligence, our wealth and even our good luck are the things that warms our hearts and makes us feel ourselves a match for life ” – Says Prof. James.
In other words, it is the consciousness of strong, well disciplined “WILL” that enables even the person, who is down, to rise again and battle with the world and win.
“He who make no such efforts – is   a SHADOW
He who can make such is a HERO.”- says the same Prof.
Inevitable Component!!
To match this modern competitive world.,
The Game of life, especially in these days, is no child’s play. It is a game for persons who can stand up to the world, who can keep their hearts unshaken and their heads high.
In this long run, the amount of efforts put forth, measures the will power which in turn measures of our wealth as humans.
“The world is what, we MAKE it,
Life is what, we WILL have it.”
If, No “WILL” Assurance
Risk “WILL” be Assured.
Will power alone carve the path to “ SUCCESS ”. It is worth an effort to attain.!!
“ Best Wishes ”
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