Each one of you is the best

Rahul Malkan , Last updated: 27 January 2014  

Dear Friends,

Addressing you all after the declaration of the results, and looking at the passing percentage i.e. 3.3% in final course seems that Institute has once again made “breaking news” and enjoyed the limelight as always.

Friends, do not lose your heart or allow vacuum of thoughts or enthusiasm to take backseat because it’s not the END in fact E.N.D is Effort Never Dies. And if anyone of you thinks that life is dragging you back with difficulties, just imagine that it’s going to launch you in something great, as an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. And one who has digested failure knows the real taste of victory.

Okay, let me have an interactive session rather than making it one way, monotonous or mere lecture delivery. Can I have answers for: Why you all decided to pursue CA as profession or let me ask you other way round i.e. How far decision of pursuing CA as profession has transformed your individual personality?

Of course, it’s the profession that instill different level of confidence in oneself and you start believing that you too form /contribute to the society even before being CHARTERED. This is the charisma of the profession. Obliquely each one of your study pattern, time management, fearless approach to the heavy study modules. Whereas some might abbreviate it as Complete Aaaram or COME AGAIN … this too will happen who lacks dedication, hard work and determination to excel.

Everyone’s desire to have “CA” as prefix with their titles can only be materialized if you have a well structured mind set and a determined perception. To live up the life you see…be the best you can be. What all is required from you all is “FOCUS” that means Follow One Course Until Successful. Focus is directly related to the success in competitive exams.

Friends you need to channelize your energy, potential to a correct direction judiciously. Always remember, if you don’t strive for your own dreams then someone else would hire you to accomplish his dreams. So always dream Big. Don’t just dream to clear the exam…dream of something like getting “All India Rank”. As you all know the structure of pyramid...broad at base and pointed at apex..it’s true that “It’s lonely at the top but the view from there is amazing “And to realize dreams one needs to put best foot forward and execute the plans accordingly. Because most of us are day-dreamer and bank upon “destiny”…. Friends let me tell you a bare fact…that it’s only YOU” who can create your own destiny. With this it reminds me of something where

A child asked God: If everything is already written in our destiny, then why pray?

God smiled and said: May be in few places I have written “AS YOU WISH”

To achieve your goal…you need to come out from your comfort zone and act prudently. Because a ship in port is safe BUT that’s not what ships are BUILT for.

To start with…

Every morning chant…Yes “I CAN”…I CAN””””. Believe that you will succeed, and surely you will. Guys Have faith in yourself that will take you to miles.

Chalk out day’s agenda i.e. chapters to be accomplished for the day

Maintain a “Doubt book” wherein if you confront any doubt/query (in nature of technical, conceptual, calculations) relating to the topic then record the same in “Doubt book” and get them resolved with your peer/professors as case may be (as Audit is now into your blood and everything needs to be documented…so guys this counts your doubts which has to be documented)

Guys one more thing --- believe and keep 100% trust on the study material that you are following. Don’t change the author/professor notes, as every author has a unique style which will be different from the others.

Solve practical question, sums with usual adjustments can be solved mentally whereas the questions with unusual adjustments have to be resolved.

Make a Error Sheet this will help you when you do revision, where we do not have time to go through all the sums again, so with the assistance of the Error sheet you would be aware of our shortcomings, mistakes readily. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.

Guys most importantly, try solving suggested papers/ undertake mock test, this would help you in time management aspect, improvising your writing skills, art of expression and the longitivity i.e. length of answers that the evaluator is expecting from you all. (even the Indian team who played Final for the World Cup they undergone the rigorous net practice)

Now it’s the time wherein each one of you should be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

Thank you all…..It’s been great to ADDRESS THE BEST….ALL THE BEST

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Rahul Malkan
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