At the beginning of each financial year, Indian companies must remember significant deadlines for their annual filings. This applies to all types of companies: private limited, public limited, small, and large. The dates that fall inside the new financial year for compliance-related due dates must be known by companies. To help in this process, In this article, we have discussed all the important statutory due dates for the Public Limited Company Annual Filing and the Private Limited Company Annual Filing. For the Company Annual Filing for FY 2023-2024, this includes due dates for income tax, event-based ROC filing, ROC Annual Return Filing, and more.
What Does Company Annual Filing Mean?
Within 30 to 60 days following the annual general meeting, all Indian firms are required to file their annual accounts and returns with the Registrar of Companies. According to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs' standards, companies have to adhere to the specified deadlines for submitting their ROC Annual Filing Forms. Failure to comply with ROC Annual Compliance Regulations may result in significant fines in addition to the regular fees levied by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Here Due Dates for Company Annual Filings FY-2023-2024 are being discussed.

Due dates for the Company's Annual Filing for June 2024
Due date for Form DPT 3: 30.06.2024
- Form DPT-3, an Annual Return of Deposits, every year.
- Form DPT 3 needs to be filed within 90 days of the end of the financial year.
- The due date for filing Form DPT 3 for Company Annual Filing for FY 2023-24 is 30th June 2024.
Due dates for the Company Annual Return Filing for July 2024
Due date for filing FLA Return: 15.07.2024
- Every year, companies are required to file their Foreign Liabilities and Assets Annual Returns (FLA Returns) to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
- The due date for FLA Return for the FY ending on 31st March 2024 is 15th July 2024.
Due dates for the Company Annual Filing for September 2024
Due date for Form DIR 3 KYC: 30.09.2024
- Every Individual who receives a DIN before the end of the fiscal year and whose status is "Approved" is required to submit Form DIR-3 KYC by September 30 of the following fiscal year.
- For the Financial Year 2023-2024, due date for Form DIR 3 KYC is September 30, 2024.
Due dates for the Company Annual Filing for October 2024
A. Due date for ADT-1: 14.10.2024
- After completion of the AGM, companies must file Form ADT-1 with the ROC (Registrar of Companies) to notify them of the auditor's appointment.
- Within 15 days following the conclusion of the AGM, where the appointment of the auditor is made, Form ADT-1 must be filed.
- For the financial year 2023-24, The due date for filing Form ADT 1 if the AGM date is 30.09.2024, then the due date is October 14, 2024.
B. Due date for AOC 4: 29.10.2024
- ROC E-Form AOC 4 is an MCA form for filing the financial statements of the company with the ROC.
- For AOC 4, the due date for FY 2023-24 will be 29.10.2024.
C. Due date for Form MGT 15: 29.10.2024 (Listed Companies)
- ROC Form MGT 15 is mandatory to be filed by all the Listed Companies.
- This form needs to be submitted to ROC for filing the Report of Annual General Meeting.
D. Due date for MGT 14: 29.10.2024 (If the AGM was held on 30.09.2024 and any resolution was passed therein)
- To file a Special or Ordinary Resolution with the MCA regarding the Board Report and Annual Accounts, Form MGT 14 must be filed with the ROC.
- If the AGM was held on September 30, 2024, the due date for submitting Form MGT 14 is October 29, 2024.
- Any resolution that is passed at a board meeting must be filed using ROC form MGT 14 with the Registrar of Companies.
Due date for filing of Form MSME-1 (MSMEs Half-Yearly Returns)- 31.10.2024
- Companies that are registered under the MSME Act of 2006 are required to file Form MSME 1.
- If a company has not received payment from an MSME for more than 45 days, they must complete this form.
- Every MSMEs must submit a half-yearly return to the Registrar for outstanding payments to Micro or Small enterprises.
- The due date for submitting Form MSME 1 for FY 2023-24-which covers the months of April-September 2024 is October 31, 2024.
Due dates for the Company's Annual Filing for November 2024
A. Due date for filing form MGT 7 & MGT 7A- 28.11.2024
- All Private Limited Companies and Public Limited Companies registered in India are required to file Form MGT-7 with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) yearly.
- Form MGT-7A must be filed with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) by all the Person Companies and small companies registered in India every year.
- All corporations are given an electronic form to complete their annual return details by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- The due date for filing MGT-7 is 60 days from the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
This indicates that, according to the MCA Help Kit, the due date for submitting the ROC Annual Filing-Form MGT 7 and MGT 7A-for the Financial Year 2023-2024 is November 28, 2024. (If we include the AGM day in our calculations.)
B. The deadline to file Form PAS-6 is November 29, 2024 (for all unlisted companies that are considered public companies for the half-year ending on September 30, 2024)
- The unlisted public company is required to submit Form PAS-6, a "Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report," twice a year on a half-yearly basis.
- For the half year ending on 30.09.2024, the Due Date for Form PAS- 6 shall be 29th November 2024.
IT Return Due Dates for Companies
- The due date for ITR filings for companies that are exempt from having their books of accounts audited is October 31, 2024.
- The due date for ITR filing for companies shall be 31st October 2024, the companies who are required to get their books of account audited
The companies need to keep updated on the legal deadlines for their annual filings to avoid penalties and issues with non-compliance. To comply with rules, companies need to ensure that their filings are accurate and made on time.
Ishita Ramani is an author, director, and operations manager at Ebizfiling India Private Limited, and has led a team of 50+ professionals in CA, CMS, MBA, and retired bankers. Apart from individual experience in almost every facet of statutory compliances, laws, and taxation. She can also be reached at