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Drafting tips?

Durga Rao , Last updated: 29 December 2009  

I am very happy to see the response of students pursuing CA and CS and especially their willingness to learn things and achieve all their goals.

I have earlier written an article on the importance of drafting to CS and CA students. While I have written an article on the importance of drafting, I was requested to write something on the ways to improve drafting skills and I thought I can expose my views on that. My focus will be on English language and writing or drafting in English.

First of all, if one should come-up in life, he or she should do thorough introspection and it paves the way for learning which leads to development.  If you conceal your inability or tries to cover-up always, then, there is no question of gaining ability. But, if you are bold enough to accept your mistakes and admit your inability, then, you are open to learning and it leads to development.

Before giving my short notes and views, I would like to share my personal experience with you. When I was pursuing my law and during initial days of my law, I was not in a position to respond to 'hi' and was not in a position to read even a line in the newspaper with right pronouncement and was not in a position to write even a simple leave letter to my principal. I have once decided to discontinue my education too thinking that I can not compete with other students in my college and it will be a wasteful exercise if I get a degree without knowledge. But, with the insistence of my well-wishers and compulsions, I have decided to learn and compete and soon after, I was regarded as a best student in my law college. And, later in life, I have written an elaborate commentary of my own on company law and proved what I am even in profession despite the limitations and systematic drawbacks. I had the privilege of arguing many matters before various forums and had the privilege of arguing even with the senior advocates in Madras even during very initial days of my practice. I don't think that I am achieved something great and I know that I am nothing and needs to do more and more in life and profession. My intention is not to tell you my greatness for appreciation as I am not behind appreciations, but, to make a point that despite the fact as to where you are now in drafting or communication, you can improve and become a master in the course. You may not be able to write a letter correctly now, but, if you are willing improve; then, you can right even a good novel like J.K.Rowling and I think I am right.

I don't think that I know much, but, considering my personal experience and the things I have followed, I want to tell my dear students as to how to improve drafting.

I am aware of the fact that most of the students pursuing CA and CS are with good ability and they may be masters even drafting.

Many may say that they see writing and drafting as different things, but, I don’t agree with that. If somebody is good at English, then, he will drafts well than others.

My tips are like:

        1. Have a strong mindset to improve your writing skills and believe that you can do anything and everything.

        2. Read news paper regularly and concentrate on the news which is of interest to you. While reading the paper, underline those words for which you don't know the meaning. Then, refer the dictionary and know the meaning. Try to find meaning for atleast 30 to 50 words a day. You may forget, but, still you need to refer the dictionary and find the meaning again. Don’t concentrate only on meaning, but, try to understand the whole sentence in the newspaper where you find the word. You need to do this for a minimum of 6 months to one year and many professionals and even successful personalities do this throughout their life. I was told by my principal that he will concentrate on vocabulary even now.

        3. If it is possible, read the news paper aloud and you can read the news paper aloud when you have strong desire to improve yourself. By reading, you get the pronunciation and in the course, you can become a great speaker also.

         4. You should know basic grammer. Refer basic grammer books in your vernacular language and understand the substance. Concentrate on basics first.

          5. Listen to English news and debates regularly and it will make you speak well in the course and you will be learning as to how to pronounce a particular world. There are many other advantages with this. You can listen news or discussions from our national channels like NDTV, DD English programmes, TIMES NOW etc.

           6. Practice writing. Write something regularly. Note down your experience, chat with your friends, send mails and write an article.

           7. After doing all the things referred to above for some time, then, communicate with your friends in English and participate in discussions with friends and intellectuals in English. Many advice that one should speak first irrespective of mistakes, but, I advice to get basics first before going to speaking in English.

           8. As you read your subject books while doing all these things, you tend to be good even in drafting or professional drafting. Its all practice and it makes one perfect.

           8. Ultimately, you should constantly read and write and it should be your hobby and in the course, you will be master in communication.

            You may show many of your commitments as an excuse for not doing the things referred to above, but, I disagree that people can not manage to get time to do things for their improvement. You need to plan well and work as it will give you so much happiness and prosperity.


Please note that I have just expressed my views and I felt that my small advice can be useful for few students.


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Durga Rao
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