Don't be the victim of Last moment approach

CA Gyati Gupta , Last updated: 18 July 2019  

My warm greetings to all the readers out there.

In this write up, I would like to draw your attention to the very important issue which is often taken up casually by most of us.

Generally, we all have the tendency to work restlessly under pressure. Whether we are employed, or in practice or we as a student, try to give 100% of our efforts only when the deadlines are near or exams are round the corner or when we are heading towards the due date of completion of any project.

Maybe the outcome turns out to be in your favour that's why some of us may not find this attitude incorrect but this is a wrong approach.

Instead of last moment hurry, we should try to make most of our time productive. Spending half of the time doing nothing or just passing it aimlessly and spending other half of your time working tirelessly, beyond your exhaustion level makes the things worst.

It does not let you get into any sort of disciplined routine. Also you would certainly find things in disorder and mismanaged if you go by this 'last moment approach”.

Many of the students in our profession tend to commit such mistake and I had been the victim of same. I neglected my studies in the name of work thinking that once I would start, I would study so and so subject in a flow and then finish it in one go. But What Happened? I could not make it as I did not allot proper time to studies I should have allotted.

At this stage of my life, having learnt many lessons from my immaturity and by setting unrealisitic goals, I would advise to all the students, who are waiting for the results, or who are about to appear in upcoming attempts that 'Don't wait for any sort of auspicious day to come or go, what you have is this time which is valuable, start investing this into something productive. For those students who have recently appeared in exam (went for a single group or who just took a casual attempt or who are doubtful of clearing), don't wait for the result announcement, start studying. In any case, studies are not going to harm you but wastage of time will definitely come at a cost.

To all those who are in practice, I have one thing to say, Don't wait for any last date to complete your Client's work, dispose of the work as soon as it comes to you so that you can be geared up for next assignments and be good at work and time Management.

Hope this piece of writing was useful to you.

Do let me know your feedbacks. It definitely makes me feel good :)

The author is a Practicing Chartered Accountant in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh and can also be reached at

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Published by

CA Gyati Gupta
(In Practice)
Category Students   Report

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