Do's and Don'ts in Examination - Part 3

CA Madhukiran Reddy , Last updated: 13 April 2011  

In the Examination Hall


Friends, till now we completed the two parts on this series which got the huge response from your side. The first part of this series deals with “do’s and don’ts after the exam” and second part deals with “do’s and don’ts before the exam.” Now it is a time for “ do’s and don’ts in the examination hall”.

I don’t want to waste your valuable time by giving more introduction. So lets us directly enter into topic. Lets start a ride into the examination hall.


For every exam you need to do a time management to cope up with your exam time. For the same, you need to improve your writing speed without spoiling your hand writing. So start from now itself, do practice more model papers and see that you are able to solve the paper in 3 hours with good handwriting. If not, practice more papers. Finally you can cope up with your time and apply the same in your examination hall. As many of our seniors quoted in their articles “Practice is the first key for success”


Don’t attempt first question In the exam paper as the same will be tricky and time consuming too! Better try solve from back. When I am writing my exam I still remember that I took the question paper in reverse. At that time “Invigilator shocks and Madhu rocks”. (It just a humor which came to my mind when writing article). But really I took the question paper in that way (Now you can understand in what way my seniors and lecturers scared me when I go to the examination). For you I am saying that don’t read the first question first it will bring down your confidence level.

When you are reading any question, underline the important points which are relevant to the answer. When your answer is in progress your eyes will directly look at those points there is no need to search entire question for single point. As I said above time management is very important in the examination hall.


Start every answer in the fresh page. Don’t start any answer from the middle of page. You are paying fee for the ICAI for writing exam. So there is no need to save papers. Write in many papers how many you want.

Also our institute will not accept if you start answering any question from the middle of the page.

In last attempt one of my friends did the same mistake and writing for this attempt too.

So remember “Save paper – Save Trees” formula will not be applicable for our exam.


Don’t dare to copy from your back and front. I am not saying because if we found we will suspended for 3 years or something, As a CA students we know that what the pass % in our exams is. There is more scope to failure rather than pass, you don’t know that person from whom you are copying will pass his exam or not. So, why taking chance, Instead of believing others have a trust on you. You will get success, no doubt about it.


Don’t write lengthy answers. Write answers to the point.

Don’t write in paragraph manner, write points wise and if possible give heading too.


The examination timings are 2 – 5 which the worst time in a day. If you have a sleeping habits at afternoon try to avoid the same. Otherwise “our examination is perfect environment to sleep no one is there to disturb you.”


So we are not going to sleep in the examination hall and will dedicate the above quoted lines to others not for us, we are the Caclub members means we have to prove ourselves, there is a lot of benefit which you can gain from our experienced seniors, Friends and Members of CCI. So, utilize this opportunity any query and any doubt ask immediately without hesitating, all of our reply to your query in minutes.

My Words “Go for the exam with very confident and come from the exam by holding the Same confidence.”




Also see the other parts of this series:

Do’s and Don’ts after writing an Exam – Part 1

Do’s and don’ts on the exam day – part 2

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CA Madhukiran Reddy
Category Students   Report

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