Analysis of AMA (CA Final) Paper for May 17 Exams

CA Sankalp Kanstiya , Last updated: 13 May 2017  

Review of Costing OR (CA Final) Paper

An autobiography of a CA FINAL Student after Costing - O.R. paper

• Finally, ICAI hits the bulls eye. Just when everyone (including me) was expecting a typical PM  paper, more so after looking at FR &SFM, here comes something out of the box. A paper, hardly from ICAI material as such, but conceptually everything from there. Was very happy to read the paper as finally typical Cliches were broken. Welcome back to the World of concepts.

• The Paper was set according to the Recent development in business environment, but it made decision making a difficult task as to which one to select and which to leave.

•  The TQM of paper was SIX SIGMA, thereby disturbing the Target Cost (Marks) of Students, resulting in Adverse Variance.

• The Limiting Factor, i.e. Time in Hours was a big bottleneck and some were able to complete the paper JIT.. Just in Time.

• After reading the paper for the first time, some even made a CVP analysis whether to shutdown (Leave the exam hall) or continue.

• Finally, guts were gathered and Assignment of sums which were to be solved was done.

• SIMPLEX, for once actually lived upto its name (simple sum was asked); whereas ABC made us forget the actual ABC which we learned in the nursery.

• The paper has resulted into an unbalanced scorecard and the path ahead for upcoming papers looks a critical path.

• After so much of Learning (Curve), expecting that the Profitability which was budgeted from this course will result in favourable variance and all my opportunity costs will be recovered.

• Hoping, that ICAI will use Skimming Policy for paper evaluation (Higher price, higher marks) and not Penetration Pricing, else it will result in Transfer (Pricing) to the Next attempt.

Analysis of AMA (CA Final) Paper - May 17 Exams

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CA Sankalp Kanstiya
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