Forgiveness is much better than regret

Snehal N. Tanna , Last updated: 29 October 2016  

Just remember that forgiveness is so much easier than regret. - Katie Ashley

It is not about to forgive others, it is about to give forgiveness to yourself and to not have any regret about your past decisions.

This is the crucial time when most of the people might be thinking think that I had wasted that much time, I had not prepared like I was planning, My plan did not work as per my thoughts, etc.

This is the best time to not to think about the above-mentioned things at all. This is the best time to forget yourself for making wrong decisions.

Just have a look at yourself and feel proud that you have tried that much. I am not saying to ignore the wrong decisions but this is the best time to forget the regrets and welcome the learnings from that decisions.

I always say this that every decisions may not be correct, but taken decisions must have to be converted into correct one !!!

Suppose, it is 9:00 PM and on next day you have a paper of DT at 2:00 PM. You have realised that you have done only Assesment Procedure, MAT, TDS and PGBP. It is a wide syllabus and you have 21 more chapters to do. If you will think and regret that you might have done more chapters if you had sacrificed your sleep or might have planned in another way then you will fall and feel depressed for sure. But, forgive yourself and think that you have covered most of the important chapters. Out of 21 left, 15 chapters are tiny ones then you will boost up your energy and can create a new history for yourself.

What will happen if we will only regret the things and curse ourselves? It will ruin our mood, it will make our mind frustrated, nothing else. Rather we should concentrate on further steps, next decisions, self-motivation, lessons learned, etc. Rather we should forgive ourselves even if we know that we could have done better.

A small step towards forgiveness will forget your biggest regret.

It is not like that positivity is forgiveness and negativity is a regret but to throw away the negativity from inside is forgiveness and to avoid/ignore your own inner positive strength is regret.

Come out of the past decisions and actions, forget them, forgive yourself and look towards the future and act in the present rather than to stick on the past and regret the things.

I could have done better is a REGRET but still I can do much better is FORGIVENESS.

Regret will end your journey but forgiveness will boost it towards another way but for your own chosen destinations.

Regret will lead you to take a revenge but forgiveness will take you to forget the things and start a new thinking.

Have a happy exam festival and all the best !!

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Published by

Snehal N. Tanna
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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