Emotional break-down before exams

Manali banerjee , Last updated: 27 October 2016  

How many times did it so happen that you feel completely broken inside? You end up feeling 'why is it happening to me, what have I done’?

I am pretty sure many of you reading the article must be feeling miserable at this moment, heart-broken. Hey! I am not talking of the normal anxiety one face before appearing for an examination. What I am referring to is certain uncalled for events that happen in your life, right before the time you don't want it to happen, may be a month before the exam, or a fortnight before it. And for few people it might unfold right before you appear for the exam.

A friend of mine came to me just before a month of the exam. She seemed devastated! The reason: "I lost my grandmother. I simply can’t focus on my studies. My CA finals are knocking at my door. I simply can’t study. I am completely lost". Sounds familiar? It can be any reason. A bad break-up, loss in a family, childhood bestie leaving the town forever or even a painful divorce. It can be anything which you never wanted to happen and definitely not this time around. Yes, it is painful. But understand that you have to pick yourself up and move ahead. It’s difficult. DO IT!!

But how?
Here's how.

1. Accept it: dear friend, accept the reality. "It’s difficult". Yes, it is difficult, very difficult. You cannot change what has happened. Your pet dog won’t come back; your guy won’t call you--it’s over! Accept it. Everything is NOT in your control period.

2. Negotiate: what you have lost, was precious. But your future is way more precious. What is gone, is gone. One wrong decision and viola! You are doomed, so are your parents. Negotiate that after your exams are over, you will give time to heal yourself. Will that be so easy? NO. But, guys you are into one of the Toughest Exam in the Planet. You have a nerve-of-steel. You can falter BUT you cannot break. Say this to yourself again and again.

3. Think how far you have come: you are a winner already, may be a step or two and you are there. Life gives you bad stuffs, but they bless you with good ones too. JUST A STEP MORE. Please don’t give up. Listen to good music, go for a walk, and talk to your friends, give your some time may be. But don't forget your goal and what you need to do.

4. If you still can’t move on: It's fine :) no, seriously it is: Your soul needs some rest, give it. Nurture it. Heal it. You are way more precious than anything and anyone, if you are not fine nothing would be. Pick yourself up, make sure you rock in the coming attempt. But, know something. It’s good to let emotions flow, but don't let it take you over. Give yourself a break and start again.

It’s okay not to run at a pace others at running at, till you are simply paddling ahead in your life. You are important; your smile is important and above all your well being is way more important, be emotional or physical. We all are proud of you, you are doing great. Stay blessed. Just remember. It’s ok to PAUSE but don't STOP. :)

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Manali banerjee
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