Today isn't going to last forever - 5 Reasons

Monika Goel , Last updated: 05 September 2014  

I am not a motivational writer…So I cannot give you a big motivational lecture that will just charge you back to work, with lovely smiles and loads of energy. But I just want to tell all my students who have not been able to crack the CA/CS or any other examination, with complete honesty that today is not going to last forever…I don’t want to give a very flowery, theoretical lecture…but just 5 very human and realistic reasons…Today is not going to last forever because….

#5. You’re one step closer to the finish line…

You want to crack the examination. Now ask yourself what you've done today to get yourself closer to your goal. Many a times, we spend lot of our time in just dreaming. Thinking too much about the future, making lots of detailed plans, fantasizing. It sometime becomes a diversion from the actual work which we are supposed to do. These thought can be excellent tools to procrastinate and enjoy a sense of accomplishments without doing much. But, at the end of the day, when we look back on what we've actually accomplished, our confidence level further drops down. The key is, if you want to do something, just start doing it. The reason is because ...

# 4. Small Chunks Are Easy To Swallow

One of the problems with most of us is that more and more people demand our time, and we reach a point where budgeting that time becomes very important. Getting used to the idea that a day isn't very long is critically important, because it strikes a sense of urgency to get the work done. Plan your day in smaller chunks. It will prevent the day from becoming overwhelming. If you get up in the morning and think about all the things that have to be finished before you go to bed, your brain would lock up, because it doesn't seem like there's any possible way to make it work. Believe me, it's going to be whole lot easier if you can stop, take a breath and say, "OK, this first chapter should take about two hours. Go. Now."

#3. It's Not as Bad as You Think

Many a times, something goes wrong the moment you start doing a work…A book is missing, the internet is not working….. An incredibly helpful thing to do, when you find yourself in a low mood is to ask yourself, "Will I remember this in 10 years?" In fact, you're going to find that you're not going to remember this by the end of the week because it's not important enough for your brain to hang on to. Rather, because of escalating your difficulties, every minor thing you encounter after that gets exponentially larger -- even though in reality all of those things are easily solvable or simply swept under the rug.

#2. The Bad Stuff Has a Payoff

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not preaching fate. There's nothing mystical or supernatural about the idea that the most seemingly insignificant event can completely change the direction of a person's life. Every bad thing I've been through has taught me something, from the simple "fire hot -- no touch fire" to the complexities of life and career.

When someone throws a punch at your head, you learn to duck. Trust me, there is value in that pain that you will find nowhere else in life. You will experience more tangible growth from a car fire than you ever will from being given a new car. But the main reason your day isn't going to last forever is because ...

#1. You're Going to Make It Not Last Forever…

It is not the world's duty to make your day better. That is totally on your shoulders -- to understand how to react to this situation and recognize where you need to make changes and adjustments. Do you have the courage to make those changes? I know, you have…so work it out…and I am there with you.

Inspired by: 5 Reasons Today Isn't Going to Suck, by John Cheese

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Monika Goel
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