Strategy for preparing IPCC - Accounts

Karan Teli , Last updated: 25 January 2014  

We all are very well aware that we have just 3 months left for the next attempt to IPCC or Finals. It`s high time now that we start our preparations to get through with flying colours. Here is some plan which I have prepared for the IPCC guys. Before checking out the same, I would disclaim, at the face of it, that better plans can be chalked out and that to at your own comfort levels.

Each subject is unique in its own terms and matters. Prepare accordingly. Here is for "Paper - 1 : Accounts"


1. Accounting Standards = D S Rawat,

2. Non – AS = P C Tulsian,

3. Revision = Padukas for AS, Practice Manuals, Compilers, Mock Test papers.


Do not Follow more than one book for conceptual learning. Everything would be a mess at the end. You may take up problems from other books if time permits, but solve as per your basic guiding book.


I would simply break the whole accounts in 3 parts –

a. Accounting Standards,

b. Company Accounts,

c. Non – Company Accounts

(a) Accounting Standards, reference material suggested over here is D S Rawat. The only intention is that ICAI has asked us to be equipped with Standards completely and hence there is no other choice other than reading it professionally. This book has the best approach indeed with simplicity.

Simple perception is that, all accounting standards are very well known to us which are asked up in group – 1. We just have to link each standard with another one and gather all information which is scattered at one place in our brains under a particular head called AS. We were much aware of basic accounting principles, valuation of stock, depreciation accounting, construction contracts at CPT level and Intermediate level, know just gather them in a sequence under AS – 1, 2, 6, 7, 10. Similarly when we read CFS, Investments accounting and Amalgamations in depth at (b) level i.e. under company accounts head we can easily gather under the head AS – 3, 12, 14. What`s next is about AS – 9 which is solely dedicated to revenue recognition principles or prudence concept.

(b) Company accounts arena is also not harder. Do you know actually, accounting subject is not tough for people who say accounts is easy for me? It`s just creation of positivity and love for the subject. The whole of company accounts is based on journal entries only. Before starting up, it is required to make our base very harder and see that we can generate journal entries for nay complex and compound transaction. Most of this form basics to presentation and reporting areas like preparation of P&L, BS, CFS, Amalgamations.

(c) This area of accounts comprises nothing but the residual part. Even the most scoring stuff is seen here like Single entry system (almost equal to a puzzle game if accounts is your cup of tea), Average due date & Account Current, Self Balancing Ledgers, Basics of Partnership, NPO accounting and Environmental accounting.

A simple order to Accounts at group – 1 is as follows,

1. Accounting Standards,

2. Environmental accounting (compulsory question),

3. CFS,

4. Amalgamations,

5. Single Entry,

6. Profit prior to incorporation,

7. NPO accounting,

8. Special cases accounting,

9. Partnership,

10. ADD, AC & SBL`s.

11. Point 1 to Point 6 would cover almost 65 marks of the paper at group – 1.

Coming up next = Paper - 2 "Business laws, Ethics and Communications"

Good Luck.


Karan Teli

(Life is just an Illusion)

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Karan Teli
(Life Is just an Illusion...!!)
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