Dealing with daily pressures

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 13 December 2021  

Imagine three scenarios

1. Scenario 1

You are sitting and in front of you, few people throw stones at you daily.

2. Scenario 2

You are sitting and in front of you there's a wall and behind it are a few people who throw stones at you daily. Will those stones hurt you? The wall will break down one day and stones will hit you.

Dealing with daily pressures

3. Scenario 3

You are sitting and in front of you there's a wall and behind it are a few people who throw stones at you daily but you repair the wall daily or after every few days. Will those stones ever hurt you?

All these scenarios are of our practical life where stones are the problem that we face daily on our professional or personal front and wall is the wall of our well-wishers and our family.

We all are engulfed in our daily struggles. Humans are social animals. We can't live alone even though how much we claim. Quality time with friends and family act as a healer to us. We are struggling with some or the other issues daily. We need to take the time off and heal from the mess we have around. Socializing is an important and integral part of our lives.


Someone to talk to, someone to laugh with at the end of the day don't ease our struggles but makes us strong enough to face those struggles.

We need to repair this wall. We need to meet our well-wishers. Life is not about talking to people because you or they need something from you. Getting together of family and friends just to change our mood or ease our pressure is necessary for survival.

Having atleast one meal daily with your family or playing a random game of ludo or carrom when we are about to sleep will end our day on a light note.


So many cases of depression, heart attacks and suicides are happening around us. The reason is simple, we don't have that wall or we don't repair that wall.

The purpose of life is not only to work or earn money but it's about happiness, the smile on our faces. 

Live the small moments in life, make those moments count.

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Published by

CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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