Dealing Exam Stress!

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 26 February 2013  


Hello, my name is Varsha and this is my first article. My article is about how to deal with exam stress.  Sleepless nights, troubled thoughts, loss of appetite, rapid pulse, trembling hands – these are typical examples of exam fear. Many of us just are stressed by listening the word “exams “. Some says that Exams hota hie kyu h? But, guy’s agar exams hie ni hoga to humhe pata kaisa chalega ki how much we have learnt. Exams are important for you as their results influence future professional career, your social status and your self–esteem. Here I am going to share few things which I hope will help you in dealing with your stress.

First of all I am going to discuss few tips that will help in keeping you stress free while preparing for exams

1. Start studying early: This is most important thing to be taken care of. Many of us start studying when only few days are left in exams. In school time Hum mai se to kuch itna intelligent  tha ki nxt day exam hota tha n uski ek night pehle puchega fone karka friends sa “yaar syllabus kya hai kal ke exam ka “.But guys it is not a school exam its CA. Start studying as soon as your datasheet is announced. Even before that, read over your notes after each lecture to make sure you understand them. Put the notes in your own words. This will make studying easier.


2. Make a plan: It is very important to get yourself organized .First of all arranges all the notes you need while preparing for the exam. Then sit down and make a list of the things you have to do to get ready for your exams." Once you have your list, decide what needs to be done first. Prioritizing your work makes it much easier to manage, but be realistic while doing it. Make a plan you know you can achieve. Some people perform best in the morning and others are more effective at night. Think about when you get the most out of your studies and plan your time around it.


3. Take a break: Do not study continuously. Take small breaks of 5-10 minutes after an hour-you can go for a walk, talk to a friend or just listen to some music. It will help you in maintain your concentration power.

4. Diet: Take care of yourself, eat regularly and try to have a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. Avoid junk food, as it will make you feel sleepy. Also, get enough sleep - especially in the days before your exam. Good sleep helps you remember what you learned.


5. Visualize success: A good vision to accomplish a mission is very important. Think of yourself writing the exam and knowing the answers. When you imagine yourself being successful, you are more likely to succeed. But don't visualize studying - you actually have to do it!


Now I am going to discuss few tips to be taken care on the exam day:  

a. Before leaving for examination hall, check that you have taken all the necessary things (for example – pen, roll no., calculator, etc.)

b. Reach examination hall before time but not too early. Arriving too early creates only a pressure.

c. One hour before exam, relax! Don't stress yourself feeding more information to your already worked up brain. Whatever you have learned be confident of it.


d. Be positive

e. Once you get the question paper in your hand. Read all the questions and make a quick rough plan how you are going to invest your time for doing your best. Mark the questions, which you know the best and attempt them first. In this manner as it will increase your confidence.

f. It is very important to check your answers again in the end. The last 15 minutes should be kept for revising your paper. Recheck every answer with patience .make the necessary corrections.

g. Does not worry about result neither discuss your paper after your exam Concentrate on how you will face your next exam or how you are going to spend your time efficiently


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