Costing-Final-Recommended books

Vidhyashankar , Last updated: 05 June 2009  

Dear Students,

Now, Im taking up Costing recommended books topic.

1.Padhukas--This book is fantastic, though difficult at places to understand.Highlights of this book are: 1. Past exam questions all answered 2.RTPs included 3. Step-wise solutions 4.Easy presentation system for exam 5.Comprehensive.I would give it 9/10

2. Ravi.M.Kishore--This one from Taxman is also good.Only deterrent being that the words appear so small and the book quite a size to hold in hands!One can even do weight practice for wrists! But jokes apart, the book is good like Padhukas and covers all past exams(I think past 21 years!).It is good to learn concepts from this book.I would give it 9/10

3. CDVashist and Saxena--This is the book I used.It is good provided you use this completely with all RTPs,Compiler and Study materail questions and theory.It has lot of mistakes and back then I did not have much choice.But now choice is great.Also, the book concentrates on too much of ICWA questions,which is like a put-off for sane CA students!But I would give it 8/10

4. Prime Academy study material--Good provided one also attends coaching.I would give it 7/10.

5. Other books for costing--7/10.All coaching materails must be supplemented by the respective personal coaching(The only prominent exception being Padhukas).

6.Horngren--Hmm, as far as CA exam is concerned it is 7/10.But for MBA and other courses(forgein), it can be given an 8.5/10

7. Coln Drury--This is a good book and quite tough in its problems.I would give it from CA exam perspective 7.5/10 but from other angles 9/10.

8.CIMA study material--Not necessary for CA exams.


All this is apart from Study materail,RTPs,Compilers,Theory from study material and past exams.

One reference book and one bedrock book(see my old posts what I mean by 'bedrock' book) is enough.

You can easily get more than 60% but with effort, one can cross 70% and with great planning and early start one can really excel and get more than 80%.

When I say 80% or 70% I get grins from my students and they say, "No! Im satisfied with 50%"

This is pathetic.

I got those marks, I had fun while studying, I was not a book worm,and Im jubilant now and having a great career.The students who grinned at me are still writing the exams!

Have high goals and achieve them.Dont settle for something low and demean yourself!

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