Corruption beneficial to professionals?

CS Nadeem Ahmed Siddique , Last updated: 24 February 2012  

“Corruption” a buzzword in today’s society has found its place on every tongue, but is rather bitter in taste. Each day corruption is striking hard on the economy, some social activists are trying to curve the corruption but the fact is that its roots have penetrated so deep into the economy that it is almost impossible to eradicate it completely. The only thing which could be done is to minimize it.

Corruption is also the second source of income to many families in our country today, though the sentence is ironical but it tries to envisage the system of our country. Even if the system changes and the tasks are accomplished in a speedy manner, there will always remain a tendency among the people to get their job done before others, and this tendency will never allow the corruption to be abolished completely. Even the professionals are not spared by the implications of corruption. A big question arises as whether the professionals do really want corruption to be abolished? The answer is in your mind. As far as they are making money out of it, they are biased to promote it. Many professionals use corruption as the lethal weapon for getting their client’s jobs done, and those professionals are more successful today who try and know how to deal with them. Many professionals even do not hesitate to bribe personnel of quasi-judicial bodies and government authorities on behalf of their clients. Professionals who are more competent in dealing with the amerceable acts of their clients are much in demand; this provokes other professionals to adopt the same policy. I see that if this infernal corruption is abolished many professionals would die out starving. Such agenesis is also creating barriers to new entrants as professionals.

The professionals of today have more responsibilities to shoulder. There is just no boundary to confine the flexibility with which professionals of today carry out their work. They can play a vital role in controlling and limiting the sleazy corruption. It’s high time that they should recall their ethics, morals and values. It is very well said by, Edward Griffin- “To oppose corruption is the highest obligation of patriotism”. There is a need for a well chalked out plan and a clear road map to cut through corruption along with precise determination.

But as for the complete abolition of corruption, with a doubt still in the backyard of my mind WH-Questions arises, whether it can ever be completely abolished?

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CS Nadeem Ahmed Siddique
(Company Secretary)
Category Others   Report

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