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Corporate communication effective tool for Image Building!

Kannan Iyappan , Last updated: 22 April 2013  

Corporate communication has a direct impact on the work. Every manager needs to understand corporate communication, not just those officially in charge of public relations or communications. Most obviously, as an employee, a company's internal communication influences the attitude towards the workplace, promotes an atmosphere of trust and confidence that the messages about the organization are timely and economical.

The corporate communication promotes:

— Strong corporate culture

— Building corporate identity

— Reasonable corporate philosophy

— Genuine sense of corporate citizenship

— An appropriate and professional relationship with the press, including quick, responsible ways of communicating in a crisis.

— Building Corporate Brand- Reputation

Be it a corporate body, company, organization, institution, non-governmental organization, governmental body, all of them needs to have a respectable image and reputation. In today's day and age of increasing competition, easy access to information and the media explosion - reputation management has gained even more importance. So, corporate communications as a role has become significant and professional in nature. Gone are the days when corporate communications merely meant 'wining and dining the client' - it has now emerged as a science and art of perception management.


Company may prefer to have a Corporate Communication Policy defining the roles and responsibilities of the employees in the communication structure of the company.

Such a policy may include:

Responsibility: To constitute a “Disclosure Committee” or a separate department for the purpose, alternatively, defining the officers who shall be responsible for the corporate communication. A corporate communication officer may be appointed, who shall be responsible for the coordination and implementation of public relations programs designed to project a favourable impression for a specific product, service or brand. Corporate communication officers will closely monitor all factors that may have an effect on those they serve. After examining political, market, economic and social trends, the officer will recommend a course of action that could include writing and publishing press releases, creating websites, organizing events, sponsoring charity events or even donating to a specific cause to promote the company or organization while giving back to the community.

Responsibilities may include: Effective communications with employees, customers, industry, media, investors and plant/ office communities. Reviewing information prior to public disclosure for materiality. Where it is considered that information is potentially material it must be referred to the committee or the Board for approval. All the external queries shall be transferred to him or his department. Provide the stakeholders with consistent, timely and accurate information consistent with the legal requirements.

Corporate communication Policy may specifically focus on:

(a) Information to employees- Internal communications

All the relevant information should be communicated to the employees through internal channels. Integrity is expected at every stage from the employees. It is the function for effective communication among participants within an organization. Major advantage of sharing information with employees is that it builds employer pride and enhances employee’s loyalty. This communication can be both ways wherein employee’s grievance can also be redressed and also include managing INTRANET and internal web Portals.

(b) External communications

This involves building and maintaining a positive relationship with the media (TV, print, web etc.). Be it drafting and dissemination of press releases, organizing press conferences and meeting with media professionals, events for media etc. The policy may define as to:

 who shall spokesperson for the company,

 who shall handle the queries relating to various matters,

 who shall communicate with handle vendor/supplier/distributor,

 how meetings with external authorities and events are to be managed.

(c) Investor Communication

Investor Relation cell can held responsible for coordinating communications with investors. It also needs to coordinate with the secretarial department for general information communication. Investor queries should be wisely handled and immediately referred to the secretarial department.

(d) Brand management

Major responsibility of Corporate Communication is Image or Brand Building. This should be a well focused area bringing out how brand should be publicised. Various channels may include speeches, presentations, exhibitions, launch events, annual report, advertisments and website. The company may consider having a brand management guideline which shall cover all the issues.

(g) Legal communication

Regulators are the external players having considered role in communication by the company. At various points communication are to be made to the stock exchange, government and judicial authorities. Secretarial and Legal department may be held responsible for timely and accurate communication.

Reach me at iyappankannan@yahoo.co.in

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Published by

Kannan Iyappan
(Company Secretary)
Category Others   Report



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