Congrats to successful candidates

P V Ram , Last updated: 17 January 2014  

Congratulations to all the successful candidates who have become CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS and will be called so during the rest of their life.  This takes you to the task of redefining your new objectives prioritising them and striving to achieve them.  Certain people think that by getting qualified all their problems are over and they can relax for rest of their career.  Very rarely it is so!  In fact, getting qualified implies opening of another door to accept new and bigger challenges requiring more continued efforts. In due course, accepting new challenges and striving to achieve them becomes a part and parcel of the rest of your life.  This is something like a person who was normally walking starts running and having realised the fact that he is able to cover more distance in shorter time needs to continue it to reach new milestones at shorter durations.

I also CONGRATULATE the candidates who could not get through the examinations.  My congratulations are for the following reasons:

Since few people are getting qualified, value of getting qualified improves (which of late was decreasing rapidly) thus they will be able to cherish and enjoy the achievement once they get qualified.  This is providing a better and improved opportunity to the aspiring CAs’ and encourages them to strive for it more vigorously and eventually achieve the coveted title. Just correlate the case with the value and opportunities of engineers around 25 years back and their value and opportunities for them today.  We are finding several unemployed qualified engineers.

Failure (especially the border students) does not mean that a candidate does not have knowledge and so also success (with > 80%) does not mean a candidate has all knowledge.  If there happen to be 500 questions in a subject covering all the issues and if a person who has studied selectively and intensively only 200 questions and finds all the seven questions in the paper are from the only 200 questions he studied, then naturally he will come out with flying colours.  Please think of the fate of another candidate who studies intensively 350 questions and of which only 2 had appeared in the examination.  Here lies the divine power. Securing high marks and percentages is one of the barometers that is being normally accepted to assess the knowledge.  There are other barometers as well and you could be well ahead on those barometers.

This is reminding me of the days of CA course around 30 years ago.  In CA examinations (for that matter any professional examination), it does not suffice what you learn from the book alone and the answers to the direct questions.  You also need to know the answers to the indirect questions.  Very often answers to such questions will be from the same subject matter what you have studied and known.  But, very often it also happens that you will not be answering such questions in the way they are to be answered in the given time.  This leads us to the issue that you need to do some sort of R & D study after your regular and routine study for the examinations.  You need to do some thinking about the psychology of the examiner, psychology of the institute, psychology of the valuer etc. and tune your efforts to match it.  This will be possible and can happen only when you complete the syllabus (or atleast the syllabus within the boundaries if any, you fix for yourself and obviously this cannot be less than 85% of the syllabus) well ahead of the examination days and say atleast a month (minimum) in advance.  This time is to be utilised to do SOME THINKING about the likely nature of questions and the way they are to be answered etc.  At this stage, what all you studied earlier will only be there as reference and you need to study more and more questions and the type of questions rather than answers (it is presupposed that you have studied your subject thoroughly.)  You need to make some thinking on how two or more issues from same chapter or different chapters of same paper or different papers of same course can be combined and questions can be framed and how to attack such questions etc.  This sort of thinking will improve your confidence levels enormously to face examinations and attack the question paper.  At this stage combined study with likeminded candidates will also give good results.

Accept that CA is a difficult course and intelligence alone will not be sufficient and industry is also required.  Also, this is not an impossible course and of course, you will add value to yourself when you do difficult tasks of which CA is one.

So, please re energise yourself, re motivate yourself, re organise yourself to face the challenge ahead of you in about 120 days and strive to achieve the goal with renewed and more vigorous efforts.


P V Ram


Offering Caoching for aspiring CAs' and CMAs'


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Published by

P V Ram
(Offering Coaching for CA, CMA aspirers)
Category Students   Report

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