Compliance - Income tax Return Filing. Why? And how to reply

CA Chirag Chauhan , Last updated: 01 April 2014  

The Mission of Our Income Tax Department is “To promote Compliance with our direct tax laws, through caring taxpayer service and strict enforcement, and thus realize maximum resources for the Nation.”

With the Above mission in the mind, recently Income Tax department are sending Notice to various assesses who has not filed their Income tax Return and Seeking information as per AIR Filing by various Institution. Most of assesses are Receiving Email with subject as “Compliance - Incometax Return Filing”. This is with the help of improved monitoring due to stricter know-your-customer norms and online filing of returns, both of which have made data processing easier and faster with which escape can be easily monitored. So do not get shocked or surprised if you get a notice from the income tax department seeking details of a transaction or source/proof of some income and asking details.

The Reason of assessee receiving notice is because assesses has failed to file return inspite of having bank cash deposits worth Rs 10 lakh or more in a year, credit card purchases of Rs 2 lakh or more, mutual fund investments of Rs 2 lakh or more, or purchase of bonds and debentures worth Rs 5 lakh or more in a year. Besides, sale or purchase of property worth Rs 30 lakh or more also attracts attention of the tax department. Under the law, details of such transactions have be furnished by the entity with which you are doing the transaction. For example, if you have Rs 10 lakh or more in the savings account of a bank, the respective bank has to file an annual information return (AIR) with the department. Such tight monitoring means the taxman may send you a notice asking you to file a return. Also, if there is a sharp discrepancy between your earnings and spendings, the tax department may ask you to explain your sources of income.

If you want to know reason for which you have received notice you need to login to In the menu "Compliance", select the "Related Information Summary" and know the reason why you have received the Notice.

How to deal with tax notices

First you need to understand why have you receive notice and for which year you have not filed your returns. Please login to

In case you have filed your all returns, Please update the details such as Mode of Filing (electronic Filed or Paper Filed), Date of filing return, Acknowledgment Number and Circle or Ward and City in case of Manual Filing.

In case you have not filed you return for particular assessment year, Please update the detials such as Return under preparation or Business has been closed or No taxable Income or Others. Also enter the remarks, if you select the option Others.

Further under the tab “Related Information Summary”  you need to select particular Information of AIR filing as "Information Relates"  should be either Self or Other PAN (specify the PAN) or Not Known or I need more Information.  Make sure that you reply correctly or there are chances of department asking for further clarification.

There are more than 40 Lakh Individual who has made cash deposit of more than 10 Lakh in saving account. The IT department has identified 23 lakh people, who have invested money, but have not filed returns to whom they will be sending out letters, asking those details of their tax returns.

From the annual information return (AIR), the I-T Intelligence and Criminal Investigation Directorate, at Delhi, has been routinely sending out computer-generated notices which are seen as harassment by many individuals like Senior Citizens and Women

For any query you can write to . Before making any decisions do consult your tax advisor. Author do not take any responsibility for misrepresentation or interpretation of act or rules.

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CA Chirag Chauhan
Category Income Tax   Report

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