CA IPCC | CA Inter | CA Result May 2019 | Verification Process

CCI Team , Last updated: 23 August 2019  

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has declared the CA IPCC and Inter results. It had announced through a notification dated 14th August, 2019 that the results of the  CA IPCC (Old and New Course) May 2019 will be declared on Friday, August 23, 2019 (evening) or Saturday, A The institute will declare the results of CA IPCC(Old and New Course) May 2019 along with the list of rank holders on its official website. In this article we have addressed all your queries regarding CA IPCC May 2019 results. The pass percentage, trend analysis of pass percentage, list and marks of rank holders of CA IPCC May 2019 will be updated here as soon as the results are out. 

How to check CA IPCC May 2019 Results?

The students can check their results through the following ways:

1. The results, details of marks and merit list will be hosted on the following mentioned websites:

For accessing the results at the above-mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his/her registration no. or PIN no. along with his/her roll number.

2. Students can also register a request to receive their results on their email addresses at the website i.e. The students will be sent their results in their respective email addresses right after the results are declared. The request for registration of email address can be sent to from the 18th of August.

3. Further students can also know their results with marks on SMS For getting results through SMS candidates should type:

Intermediate(IPC) Examination (Old Course)

CAIPCOLD (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate(IPC) Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAIPCOLD 000128

Intermediate Examination (New Course)

CAIPCNEW (space)XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAIPCNEW 000128

and send the message to 58888 - for all mobile services.

Passing Criteria:

A student may get through the groups in one or more attempts either together or separately. A student is said to have passed both the groups together if he secures a minimum of 40marksin each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of both the groups put together.

Image source: Cakart

What to do if you forget your credentials?

If a student forgets his/her roll number while checking his/her result, then he/she can view his/her roll number on the admit card or question paper. In case if the student doesn't have Admit card or the question paper and has forgotten his/her registration number then he/she needs to contact to ICAI on 0120 3054, 851, 852, 853, 854 and 835 or 0120 4953, 751, 752, 753 and 754.

How to check CA IPCC May 2019 Merit List:

The institute releases the merit list i.e, the list of top 50 candidates on its official website along with the results and statement of marks.

Pass Percentage:

The pass percentage varies every year. You can check the pass percentage and list of toppers in the given link. We'll be updating the trend analysis as soon as the results are out.

Pass Percentage of CA Inter (Old) Nov'18 Exams

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 40157 5051 12.58 %
Group II only 68888 21708 31.51 %
Both Groups 25375    
Passed Group I 5011 19.75 %
Passed Group II 42 0.17 %
Passed Both Groups 524 2.07%

Pass Percentage of CA Inter (New) Nov'18 Exams

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 24411 4525 18.54%
Group II only 8652 3724 43.04%
Both Groups 21,909    
Passed Group I 6103 27.86%
Passed Group II 46 0.21%
Passed Both Groups 1946 8.88%

Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2018 (New course)

Particulars Appeared Passed Pass (%)
Group I only 13135 3026 23.04
Group II only 445 18 4.04
Both Groups 19108    
Passed Group 1   4919 25.74
Passed Group II   15 0.08
Passed Both   3435 17.98

Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2018 (Old course)

Particulars Appeared Passed Pass (%)
Group I only 53149 5392 10.15
Group II only 72146 10861 15.05
Both Groups 32878    
Passed Group 1   6296 19.15
Passed Group II   22 0.07
Passed Both   353 1.07

Statement of marks:

The institute sends a hard copy of the statement of marks within 4 weeks from the date of declaration of result. A hard copy of the statement of marks, in the official stationery, indicating the marks secured by the candidates and the result, is sent to all the candidates who appeared in the exam by speed post, at the address given by the candidates in their exam form.

Process of verification of marks:

A candidate can apply for verification, either physically in his own handwriting, or on-line from within a month from the date of declaration of results, giving specific details of the following along with the requisite fees:

Student Name
Student Registration No
Exam-Intermediate (IPC)/Final/CPT
Month and year of the exam
Roll No Paper(s)/subjects to be verified
Address for communication

If the candidate makes a physical application, it must be in the handwriting of the candidate. If the candidate had opted for Hindi medium in the examination, his/her application should be in Hindi. Typewritten applications are not entertained. There is no standard format as such for such application. However, the application should be duly signed by the candidate. The fees for verification of marks for Final, Intermediate (IPC)/ATE/Units-Rs 100/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs 400/- for all the papers of a group/both groups/Unit.

Application for certified copies/inspection of my evaluated answer books:

You can apply in the prescribed format and send the same along with the demand draft for the amount of fees applicable, (i.e. Rs 500/- per paper) at the following address, by speed post or registered post: The Deputy Secretary (Exams) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ICAIBhawan Indraprastha Marg New Delhi 110002 Your application should reach the institute within 30 days from the date of declaration of result of the relevant exam. Please superscribe the envelope with the name of the exam, i.e. Final or Intermediate (IPC) as the case may be. There is no provision for submission of application for certified copies of evaluated answer books with late fee.

Rules regarding 'exemption' and validity period:

A candidate who has appeared in all the papers comprised in a group/unit and fails in one or more papers comprised in that group/unit but secures a minimum of 60% of the marks in any paper or papers of that group/unit shall be eligible for exemption in that paper or papers in the next three following examinations. He shall be declared to have passed in that group/unit if he secures at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each of the papers of that group/unit and a minimum of 50% of the total marks of all the papers of that group/unit including the paper/s in which he had secured a minimum of 60% marks in the earlier examination. He/she shall not be eligible for any further exemption in the remaining paper(s) of that group/unit until he/she has exhausted the exemption already granted to him in that group/unit. The implications of the above paragraph are clarified below:

i. You must have appeared in all the papers of the group/unit.

ii. You must have failed in the group/unit and should have secured a minimum of 60 marks in any paper/s of the group/unit.

iii. The exemption is automatic and will be found indicated in the statement of marks issued by the Institute.

iv. An exemption is valid for three immediate succeeding exams and will be carried forward automatically for the next three examinations.

v. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a Group/unit, if he secures at one sitting a minimum of 40 percent marks in each paper of the Group/unit and a minimum of 50 percent marks in the aggregate of all the papers of that group/unit. For the purpose of arriving at the aggregate marks, 60 percent or more marks secured earlier will also be taken into account.

vi. As long as exemption in one or more paper(s) of a group/unit, brought forward from an earlier attempt is subsisting, no further exemption in any paper in that group/unit will be given, even if one secures 60% or more marks in any paper in that group/unit.


For daily updates regarding CA IPCC May 2019 Results stay connected with CAclubindia.

Also Read: CA IPCC Results May 2019: Pass Percentage, Trend Analysis and Rank holders marksheet

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CCI Team
(Finance Professional)
Category Students   Report

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