CCI - A Wonderful Companion

CS LLB Pulkit Gupta , Last updated: 27 September 2011  

"September 9, 2011, 9.30pm"- 

I was busy solving questions of Mergers & Acquisitions from A.N.Sridhar when suddenly I a got a sms from my CCI friend congratulating me. I thought yaar he is too late to wish me for my PCC result. But then I decided to take a break from studies and opened my CCI account and was surprise to see a post by Sanyam right at top in popular discussion with title.

Congratulation to all the winners .....!!! a must read by all. Out of curiosity I opened it and was surprised to see my name voted for Fav. of the Club along with all the seniors whom I have always look upon as an Inspiration. Frankly speaking I have never thought I am worthy enough to qualify for any awards. I have already received more than what I deserve from this holy platform. 

It took me a while to post my thanks to CCI and it's members as I was scared to do that because of a silly reason. CCI has become an integral part of my life and I can't afford to loose my seniors and friends here. See everyone has a reason to contribute here. Some do it for knowledge enhancement, some for making new contacts and some just love helping others. My case was bit different. I was neither professionally competent (PCC 1 attempt fail) nor in a very good state of mind (was frustrated because of dengue which screwed up all my preparation for next attempt) when I changed my status from dormant to active.  

When I somehow recovered from dengue fever I just had 5-7 days before my attempt to give my best shot and was almost ready to quit. Then I referred Surendra Sir's articles and notes posted by Ankur Bhaiya and Rahul Bansal. Would you believe all the 16 marks AS questions were from their notes. I somehow gave my attempt and decided to return to this platform in form of my time and views.  

But the biggest question which came to my mind was how to contribute? There was no point in repeating what has already told "n" no. of times by some great members in a beautiful way so I choose my separate genre i.e. Inspirational. 

I always wrote what I feel like writing and not what others wanna read. I choose those topics which were never attempted before. I merged natural things which you see in day to day life (but never appreciated it's presence) with CA life. I was lucky enough to find some good seniors and mentors to guide me. I even attempted some academics related stuff like Budget & Section 80 D which got a good response. 

But then also one question always bothers me that have I done enough?

The answer to this question is helping others and sharing things never have any limit otherwise persons like Chakrapani Sir, Rakhecha Sir, Balu Sir & Sanjay Sir must have deleted their account a long time back. We can never repay to CCI what it has given us.

All I wanna say is I love you CCI and can never forget you ever in my life. I will try to contribute with more enthusiasm in future too and will try to encourage young talents on this platform. We have some great writers, poets and above all gentleman people on this holy platform and I salute them, this platform, it's Admin and it's hardworking Moderators.

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CS LLB Pulkit Gupta
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