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Case of the Uncooperative Auditor and a Lesson in Professional Responsibility

CA Aman Rajput , Last updated: 11 January 2024  

Few days ago, I appealed ICAI to raise professional misconduct fund, even posted at my LinkedIn handle regarding ICAI to bring some insurance scheme to cover risks of CA from paneities and fines up to 50 lac to 1 crore with a nominal premium every year, click here to view the post

Now we have other news, The National Financial Reporting Authority, commonly known as NFRA has sent a strong message to Chartered Accountants across India with its recent order debarring an Engagement Partner (EP) for ten years for failing to comply with its investigation and refusing to submit requisite documents despite repeated reminder's

This case, documented in NFRA Order 002/2024, raises critical questions about professional responsibility, due diligence, and the consequences of non-cooperation with regulatory bodies.

Case of the Uncooperative Auditor and a Lesson in Professional Responsibility

Questionable Audits and Red Flags Raised by SEBI

The story begins with the Securities and Exchange Board of India flagging concerns about a Mumbai-based listed company. Allegations of non-compliance with accounting standards, misreporting in financial statements, and potential misconduct by the statutory auditors prompted SEBI to share this information with the NFRA. Armed with this tip, the NFRA, empowered by Section 132(4) of the Companies Act, 2013, initiated an investigation into the professional conduct of the company's auditors.

Repeated Requests Met with Silence

To get to the bottom of the matter, the NFRA, as per standard procedure, requested the EP to submit audit files and other relevant information. This seemingly straightforward request, however, turned into a major hurdle. Despite repeated reminders and multiple opportunities to comply, the EP remained obstinate, refusing to provide the necessary documents or cooperate with the investigation.

NFRA's Findings

Faced with the EP's persistent non-compliance, the NFRA was left with no choice but to proceed with an ex-parte order, drawing conclusions based on the available evidence and the lack of cooperation from the EP. The findings painted a bleak picture:

  • Non-maintenance of Audit Documentation: The NFRA concluded that the EP had failed to maintain audit documentation as per the mandatory requirements of SA 230. This constituted a significant lapse in due diligence and was deemed grossly negligent conduct, a violation of clause 7 of Part I of the Second Schedule of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
  • Non-cooperation and Defiance: The EP's repeated refusal to provide information and comply with NFRA's requests was deemed professional misconduct under clause 2 of Part-III of the First Schedule of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

Penalty and Debarment

Considering the gravity of the offenses and the EP's blatant disregard for professional obligations, the NFRA took decisive action. The order imposed a hefty monetary penalty of Rs. 20 lakhs on the EP, but the more damning consequence was a ten-year debarment. This meant that the EP was effectively barred from practicing as an auditor or internal auditor for any company or body corporate, a severe blow to their professional career.

Implications and Key Takeaways

The NFRA's order in this case holds significant meaning for the entire CA community. It underscores the importance of professional responsibility, compliance with regulations, and cooperation with regulatory bodies. Every CA, irrespective of their seniority or experience, is bound by a strict code of conduct and ethical obligations. This case serves as a stark reminder that non-compliance and negligence can have severe consequences, jeopardizing not only one's own career but also the public's trust in the profession as a whole.


Several key takeaways emerge from this case

  • Due diligence is paramount: CAs must meticulously maintain complete and accurate audit documentation as per established standards. Any deviation can invite scrutiny and potential disciplinary action.
  • Cooperation is mandatory: Regulatory bodies like NFRA play a crucial role in upholding financial market integrity. It is the duty of CAs to cooperate fully with investigations and provide requested information promptly.
  • Consequences of non-compliance: Ignoring lawful requests or obstructing investigations can have severe repercussions, including hefty penalties and even career-ending debarment.
  • Maintaining public trust: The CA profession relies on public trust and confidence. Upholding ethical standards and demonstrating transparency are essential for maintaining this trust.

The NFRA's order in this case should serve as a wake-up call for the CA community. It reiterates the need for heightened vigilance, robust internal controls, and unwavering commitment to ethical practices. Every CA must remember that their actions not only impact their individual career but also contribute to the overall reputation and credibility of the profession

By prioritizing due diligence, cooperation, and transparency, CAs can ensure that they fulfill their professional obligations with integrity and contribute to a robust and trustworthy financial ecosystem

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Published by

CA Aman Rajput
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Audit   Report

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