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The Career Path To Being A Quantitative Analyst

Shree , Last updated: 19 April 2023  

Who is a quantitative analyst?

Quantitative analysts (quant analysts or quants) are financial professionals who develop and implement the various mathematical models used by investment banks, hedge funds, and other financial firms to analyse the markets, price assets, make investment decisions, manage risk, and measure performance. They are employed by these businesses' front, middle, and backoffices, with the front office being closer to clients and trading, the middle office handling market operations and risk management, and the back-office handling clearing and compliance.

What does a quantitative analyst do?

Quantitative analysts are highly skilled in the mathematics, programming, and analytical methods that form the base of quantitative finance. They study individual assets, asset classes, and financial products, including derivatives, to uncover investment opportunities and generate alpha while managing risk effectively. The skills and the quantitative mindset are in high demand throughout the world of banking and finance, as well as in insurance, economics, and consulting. According to quant recruiters, the job prospects for quants are excellent and are expected to be very good in the years to come. The roles and responsibilities of quant analysts vary depending on the type of employer, but generally, quants will be involved in creating and implementing quantitative models and analytical tools, performing statistical analysis for pricing, modelling, and risk management, examining market trends to support investment concepts, maintaining, enhancing, and testing mathematical models, and working with other quants, portfolio managers, and traders to design and execute trading strategies.

The Career Path To Being A Quantitative Analyst

Quantitative analyst skills

Quant analysts generally develop deep expertise in specific functional areas (e.g., pricing, trading, portfolio, or risk management) and for particular asset classes (e.g., equities, fixed income, derivatives, and structured products). Their skills will encompass three main areas:

  1. Technical: Programming in Python, C, C++, or C#; knowledge of software packages like MATLAB, R, SAS; and database management. Machine learning and data science skills are also in demand and part of the technical skill set for quants.
  2. Mathematical: A solid understanding of differential, integral, and stochastic calculus; linear algebra; numerical methods; probability and statistics; and econometrics, as well as how to construct and implement mathematical models in the context of the financial markets.
  3. Financial: Modern Portfolio Theory; equities; fixed income; derivatives; structured products; commodities; trading (traditional to high frequency); and in some cases, economics and econometrics.

Apart from the domain knowledge, quants should possess good business skills and the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, senior management, and clients.

Quant education requirements

For those interested in progressing in quant finance, a master’s degree in mathematical or computational finance, operations research, or financial engineering is often a consideration. However, employers have a strong focus on applied work and relevance to the financial markets, so professional certifications are valued highly and often preferred.



The Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF), delivered by Fitch Learning, is the world’s largest professional qualification for quants. The CQF is offered part-time, online, which is beneficial for people who are working full-time and want to acquire a professional quant qualification without leaving their jobs.

The CQF gives delegates a solid understanding of mathematical, programming, and financial skills and provides a strong foundation in both the theory and practice behind the most prominent quant models used in industry. Delivered by globally recognized experts, each lecture provides a detailed explanation and critique of the models, showing their strengths, shortcomings, and the alternative approaches that have been developed over the years. The curriculum had two modules dedicated to data science and machine learning. It also has three optional primers (in Mathematics, Python Programming, and Finance) to give you the preliminariesneeded to start the program.As many CQF alumni note, the program is a transformational experience that has played a key role in their professional development.


Download a brochure today to find out more about the program and how it could enhance your quantitative finance skills.

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