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Can you say it is my voice

CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA , Last updated: 30 August 2013  


(switching back to old days).

First of all;


Public prefer FD for security of money. Assuming banks are 100% safe

Many Banks officials (aptly corrupt) pass loans and convert it into huge NPA

Now test the security of your money in "real terms."

When a bank fails; account holders find themselves helpless till the bank it is taken over by another bank (the another bank decided on the basis of its financial soundness-accepting a poor bank-again concept of security at the cost of other account holders)

Government says keep your money with banks



INSURANCE is said to MANAGE your RISKS. Most of the Insurance companies; which offered ULIP; i.e. security of the family and the growth of the money both; could not SAVE the MONEY of the INVESTORS

An experienced and qualified FUND MANAGER is appointed to manage the FUNDS of an insurance company. Such Funds Manager can easily “save” himself that these are the market risks and I can’t manage the market

Despite various options available in the said policy; FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS hardly switch the funds well in the time

The reason:

Even a XII standard pass candidate can enter into the insurance business by passing a simple exam!

Such “agents” offer hefty money-back before your take an insurance policy. In such cases; can one assume he will show a good card to you?

Where would you go?


(Hidden message: Ignore unnecessary headings of the newspaper and read the material which is relevant for your wealth)


Public is interested in 6 ABS but not interested in doing EXERCISE

It think (a genuine assumption) that "police" will take its care from gundas

Hence no need to body building and establish GYMS

Further; Police Station is very near to home and office



The “amazing” assumption is : Health is taken care by Hospitals. And tasty junk food and cold drinks be enjoyed till obesity, gas and acidity enter/re-enter frequently/establish into the body

The SAFETY MEASURE is : The entry to hospitals is easy with "fully covered cash less" mediclaims allowing to enjoy 5 Star Hospitals (not Hotels)

Thus, when engaged in taking care of patients at hospitals; the relatives "seriously" discuss about "WORLD ECONOMY & CURRENT AFFAIRS" in addition to have practical "experience" about the facilities provided by the hospitals

Decide about your Health Scheme again


Established Misconception in the Society: Security of earning can be had with JOB only

Majority of top brains are ready to SERVE someone. They can solve “BIG PROBLEMS” in exams with VERY BIG SCORE; but in reality; are not able/interested to face/accept the challenges for own benefits even after things become easy

By the time passes; they become habitual to be BUSY all the times. (If they don’t say like this; they are deemed as "useless" fellow)

Check the “reality” of “real estate” business. Top brains (management) suggested huge debts as if there would be no bear phase in the sector

Decide/Redefine about the security of earning

(Earning doesn't means employment only)


Please read the above and analyze. No need to say any thing about Nation's security

Don't you see/think we are following the path of SLAVERY again because in each and every field we are ready/interested to be "dependent" on others?

Is this "real" independence i.e. to "allow" yourself to be "dependent?"

By passing FOOD SECURITY BILL; the implications thereof have not been analyzed by the mass because everyone thinks at least he and his family is "secured."

Be prepared to "experience" a new era. We are towards developments!

Till then; enjoy weekend parties and dance.

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