CA students got the END wrong

Mansi Sharma , Last updated: 30 July 2019  

Hi Students,

Today, I am here to talk to you about something very basic we all struggle with. Of course, passing the exams is the biggest on that list. However, what is the way to do it?

If you have read Stephen.R.Covey’s books and have been motivated by his words, you will definitely understand what I am trying to convey here.

One of the Habits mentioned by Covey is "Starting with the END in mind."

What I have observed with CA students, is how conveniently they misinterpret this habit in their study plans and lives, leading to repeated failure and have no clue whatsoever, in the end.

Most students, start dreaming about what their lives are going to be once they qualify- the respect, the love, the exciting work related challenges they will get to face, the money that will come in, the comfort they will be able to provide their loved ones, the lavish grand life they will be able to live.

Say hello to reality check guys; when we are CA Students, that is NOT the END for us. What you are really thinking about is the new beginning. The END comes to a step before qualifying; That is the actual exams (of which, by now, we have developed a big scare/stigma in our head)

When we make our study plans, what we do is start from today, allot hours/days to subjects.

Without actually giving it enough time in the first reading we cannot start doing this allocation. It is a plan that is definitely going to fail; implementation will suffer and so will you with all the added self-doubt and no time left anymore leading to panic attacks.

What I suggest to do instead, is to start your preparation with a Mock test right after your classes are over. This is your End. This is what you have to start within the mind. The 3 hrs. The plans/study objective/focus everything should be solely directed to this. You are preparing yourself not for life after you qualify. All the hours and plans you are making right now are for the 3-hour exam.

After failing a number of times, fear and dejection set in. It's natural, normal. Feel it, experience it, and then let it go. Come back to focus on the 3 hour exam time.

Whenever you feel things are not working out, CA is not your thing. Give a mock test.

Try each question honestly. If you are failing. Fail with absolute honesty.

CA is a curriculum anyone can develop an interest in if they give it enough time and understanding.

And you are not special, you just haven’t figured the way to success.

And that’s okay. Stop beating yourself down. Today or tomorrow it’s you who is going to help you. In this difficult phase, the least you can do to yourself is be nice and understanding towards it.

Happy Studying Folks!

Don’t be positive all the damn time. People who say that obviously don’t know good and bad are 2 sides of a coin. Enjoy your tough days, they are polishing you for the tougher days to come. (that’s being practical :) sure shot way to success! ).

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Published by

Mansi Sharma
(Statutory Auditor)
Category Students   Report

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