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CA - Simplified by Yoga

Member (Account Deleted) Guest , Last updated: 16 March 2010  

Chartered Accountancy profession is built around Discipline and Firm Dedication to excellence. Passing examinations is not as difficult as to maintain the driving force that keeps one going towards one’s goals. The feeling of being charged up is tickled in one’s heart and soul by a healthy body and positive mind to what is most noble in him. Yoga represents the perfect equation of physical, mental, moral and spiritual strength with a comprehensive practical system formulated to enhance pleasant development of one’s body, mind and soul.
With such a fast life, one needs to adopt simpler yet effective ways to maintain good health. Spending thousands in gym and damage the body by tedious workouts, practice of Yoga provides exuberant health contributive to longevity and mental discipline that culminates into positive and healthy mind.
Slim (agile) body, joyous face, sonorous voice, sparkling eyes, positive good health, virility, exuberance of vitality and radiance, and purity of the nervous system are important characteristics of Yoga.
Herewith, we will discuss some Interesting factors of Yoga and try to implement them which will help the Chartered Accountancy students to achieve maximum and significantly improve the quality of life with mental purity and disciplined life guided by good health.
  1. PRIVACY AND QUIETITUDE: The first essential to the practice of Yoga is a quiet and well-ventilated place which is free from any commotion, unpleasant memories and distractions. Once a quite and pleasing atmosphere is selected, it is best to use the same place every day in order to build up a friendly environment. This conditioning has a somewhat mechanical effect of security, poise and agreeableness. For Chartered Accountancy (CA) students what needs to be learnt from this practice is that they need to be alone (while performing studies) because it helps one to exclude all disturbing factors and to achieve personal harmony with any specified undertaking whether studying subjects or revising syllabus or preparation for important projects or examination. Those, however who cannot arrange to be alone, or to be in a quiet place, due to factors over which they have no control, should make the best use of libraries, frequent periods of break in office, holidays or holy trips (place of worship) and practice studies with perfect disregard of the surroundings.
  1. EMOTIONAL SHUT-OFF: So that the physical benefits of the Yoga exercises may accrue with scientific precision, it is necessary to prescribe – what may be termed – emotional shut off. For CA students with this Yoga attitude, they should develop a strong acceptance of practical hurdles and failures affects of emotions on both the body and the mind, without letting them takeover your Self. Strictly as a measure of good health, any dismal emotions, moods, or temperamental depravities should be ignored. Let bygones be bygones. Dwelling on the past inflicts unnecessary stress and affecting your work. So begin your each day with an evenness of feeling and an undisturbed mind which will surely help you in a healthy preparation of CA studies and enjoy the fruits of practical training.
  1. CONCENTRATION ON MOVEMENTS: Regarded from this point of view, much additional benefit from practice of Yoga may be gained by the conscious association of the mind to the varying movements of the body. With this yoga attitude, CA students can ensure the best results, when the mind is concentrated only on the studies or work, and each activity performed with maximum precision and will-power. In the beginning to create interest in voluminous studies and daily practical training, it is best to perform them with discussions and talks with colleagues, friends or dear ones. At the same time, it is important to enjoy the activities by appreciation of the body movements (talk- moving mouth, watch- rolling eyes, express- by hands, concentrate- breathe in/out and understand- by focus on activity). This will help concentration of the mind on particular parts of the body, and the faults can be corrected better.When practiced with absolute regularity, the mental effort will synchronize automatically with each activity/work/job/subject/training/discussion. Sooneven most difficult subjects or work become easy and performance of your efforts will get appreciated by better results.
  1. SUITABLE TIME: The time best adapted for practicing Yoga is in the morning since at this time the vitality is at its highest and the movements can be done with a sense of ease, freshness, vigor and a great deal of mental calmness. With this yoga attitude, CA students should make the habit of “Early to Rise”. Make the most of the early morning and fresh environment. Try to deal with difficult subjects or plans by working on them early morning with complete freshness.
  1. AMOUNT OF WORK: Two important things in Yoga as to the amount of exercise one should take are – it should not be so insufficient as to be ineffective, and secondly, it should never be so much as to cease to be hygienic due to sheer excess. With this Yoga principle, CA students should understand that no matter how much is the quantity of work/study there is always a room for management. This management is important to divide the burden appropriately to your average capacity. Those engaged in article ship and manual labor need to manage the burden of work by dividing them in terms of importance and urgency. The need for management of work is essential to make available maximum time for studies and making most of office/working hours for practical understanding. This way, a balance amount of work will keep you healthy and sound without delaying any work due to stress or laziness.
  1. RELAXATION: Whenever fatigue is experienced, during the practice of Yoga, it is important to have intervals of relaxation. With this Yoga principle, CA students need to practice relaxation by taking intervals in work/studies. This is important mainly with a view to minimizing the effects of excess or strain. Unfortunately, during article ship training, there is very little room for paying heed to such a practice (relaxation). But, for all that, it ought to be remembered that relaxation is the natural and best compliment of any activity so that whenever fatigue is experienced, it should be immediately compensated by an interval of relaxation. Some quick intervals are yawning, rubbing eyes (gently) or closing eyes for a minute, smiling (without any reason but softly), rolling neck (watching around), extend hands or fingers, swap places of work, drink water (and not tea/coffee).
  1. BALANCE DIETARY: The value of balanced diet for the growth of the body, the maintenance of good health is the most important factor for having a successful Yoga and gain early rewards from practicing yoga. For CA students, an ideal food that contributes greater endurance consists of grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey and water (again no tea/coffee). All nutrients which are pure, agreeable, sweet, nourishing and easily digestible become generally recommended. No spices are to be used as these are harmful. Things that are sharp, sour, pungent, bitter and heating are strictly not suggested. Every balanced diet should be spaced by an interval of four hours between each meal. Regarding the quantity of food, students should follow the guiding line, i.e., to eat no more or no less than what is absolutely necessary to satisfy one’s natural appetite.
By following these seven essential aspects of Yoga in daily life, one can easily beat the tension, pressure, failure and boost the potential to achieve maximum with good health.
Soon, we will discuss daily yoga exercises which are simple and relevant for students and are more effective and less time-consuming.
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