CA Exams Preparation-The Lockdown style!!

J.Bhavatarini , Last updated: 18 August 2020  

How to have a positive mindset while preparing for exams during such uncertain times?

Dear Champs,

One thing that I have observed since lockdown is that we have all been thrown into the same sea but definitely we are all not on the same boat. Each one of us is having their own set of problems and our very own way of dealing too.

Apart from the usual problems of not being able to concentrate, anxiety to clear/top, struggling with weak subjects,this time, the pressure of two batches of extremely intelligent students giving their exams at the same time ( May and November), the miserable feeling of having stayed indoors for so long,and not being able to go on long drives to vent your pressures has only added to the ever-increasing problems of CA students.

CA Exams Preparation- The Lockdown style

Not to mention the constant urge to spend more time with family especially when everyone is around. But hey, every problem definitely has a solution and so does this. Take this as a blessing in disguise. You no longer have the temptation to go out and waste time every weekend. You are very much aware of your situation and of the fact that you have to work hard to compete with twice the number of students.

Instead of spending hours discussing and googling as to whether the pass percentage will increase, will the papers be tough and so on,spend time in evaluating strategies on how you can ace the exams. How does it matter how many people are sitting for the exam? What matters is whether you are prepared and confident. Use this additional time given( May students especially) to work on those topics which you had thought of skipping. If you are thorough with 100% of your syllabus,you need not bother about anything else in the world. So what if your unable to go to the institute to give mock exams,sit at the comfort of your house and decide to give multiple mock exams especially for those subjects which you think you haven't prepared well.


I also see many students giving mock exams for subjects they have prepared well. While that is certainly a good thing to do, there are many times where we don't want to look at a particular subject and give ourselves fake confidence that we can handle it at the end. This is exactly what we have to handle. Just sit for one mock exam of a subject you haven't prepared well and then the sweat on your forehead will speak volumes on how much you are yet to prepare and give you the much-needed thrust. The process is difficult but let me tell you if you are able to succeed in this battle there is nothing that you cannot achieve since the one who keeps the mind in control conquers the world.


All the very best guys!!

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