CA is not your life, it's a part of life

CA Rishabh Jain , Last updated: 05 June 2019  

Is your life so cheap, that you end it by yourself?

Come on students, 20 is such a tender age. CA is not your life, it's a part of life. The moment you realize this, you will be so relieved of all these sufferings and burden you had in your mind.

CA is just any other professional degree which you seek to advance your career; it is not the only thing in your career. I have seen many successful businessmen who aren't even matriculated. I have known many successful accounting professional who are way too good at accounts management than chartered accountants.

Failure in CA exams is progress in life, it is not a hindrance in your life. Failure is a part of success. It is not separate or different from success. It is a part of success, it is the way to success. I can give you n number of examples like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Elva Edison, Ronald McDonald, Owners of HP, Apple, Amazon, Dell, Harley, Google, Etc who succeeded only after starting small and facing the initial defeat and not only facing it but embracing it and learning from their mistakes.

Coming back to CA exams, I have asked plenty number of students, whether they actually write their expectations of marks after the exams are over but results are yet to come. Guess the most obvious answer, NO. None of them do this task. Most of them don't write their expectations and when the actual marks of each subject is out, they are surprised or say more specifically depressed. Why?

Why? Why can't you just put yourself in examiner's shoes and analyze your each and every answer and award yourself some mark against it? Total it and trust me it will be around what you will actually score. And this way you’ll be prepared for the future which is yet to come.

Ok, you didn't do that in the previous attempt, do it in this current attempt. Today is June 2, 2019, the exams are on, so do it now.

Ok, now coming to what you can do after the results are out, 2-3 din ro-lo (cry) and when you're finally ready to start preparing for next attempt, first thing you do is pick up the hardest subject, pick up the previous attempt paper, analyze it question by question, Like if you pick up AUDITING, look which SAs were asked in compulsory Q. No. 1. If it was from 200, 300, 500 series, then ask yourself whether I actually read them or I dropped the topic. Ok, most probably you read it. So now ask yourself whether you answered it correctly (look for the suggested answers). Ok, if your answers are on same terms, did you get the marks? If No, look for why? It may be because your point was not exact or maybe you didn't write all the necessary points. So, this is a weakness in your preparation strategy. Similarly, move on to the next questions and categorize them as:

1) Read and attempted correctly
2) Read but couldn't attempt entirely correct
3) Read but couldn't even attempt
4) Not read but attempted significantly
5) Not read but just gave a try
6) Not read and not attempted.

There may be more categories, but in my opinion, these are the major and important ones. Now, only you have to focus on category No. 2 & 3. Topics which you read, revised, did LDR also, but couldn't attempt correctly in exams. These topics shall be questions which are a little harder but they actually hold a significant amount of importance in exams. These topics are the ones which have eaten up your precious time, but at the end, you couldn't answer them correctly. It is like you practiced a particular shot say uppercut, in cricket for hours and days and weeks, such that you were so confident on it, but when you actually played it on the very first ball, you were caught out in slips.

Focus on repetitively asked topics and make summary notes and revise it regularly, I tell you Smart work is not key to success. Neither is the hard work is. It is only the combination of both which will lead you to success. 

Ok, so you are here reading it all, so I will tell you something about myself, I scored 8.6 CGPA in 10th CBSE board. Then 85.4% in 12th commerce, where I scored 78 in mathematics. I have been constantly an average student. Now you might be wondering these are decent grades, and if not decent, it is not bad grades. But guess what, I had to study very very hard to obtain these grades. Such hard that I couldn't go to play with my friends in the evening; Or couldn’t participate in co-curricular activities in school. I couldn't go to movies or watch TV. And many more. But yet here, I am a SECOND ATTEMPT QUALIFIED CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. And it is itself a big success for me. Why? Because guys who scored 90-95% in 10th & 12th board, are still struggling in CA Finals to pass.

What did I do to become a chartered accountant?

From being an Average performer to becoming a CA,
This is my analysis of the list of probable reasons:

1) Supportive parents
2) Competitive Friends
3) Encouraging Mentors/Teachers
4) Thought of doing/becoming something in life
5) Proper planning and Execution strategy.

That's it.

It is a very exhaustive list of X things necessary to become a chartered accountant. And trust me, you are just a call away from getting all this.

So, for you all CA students out there, you can personally contact me for any type of help guidance mentoring or making your study plan or helping you come out of depression.

Understand that depression is a part of life. We have understood the word depression in the wrong sense. It is actually a 'responsible attitude which we are supposed to practice. It is that now you are a grown-up, you have to be responsible enough to do things on your own, be responsible for what you did, be responsible for your mistakes. Now, we are humans, we are bound to commit mistakes, so as soon as we commit some mistakes or face some small failure, people shift its the responsibility on you (sometimes even your parents). Earlier it used to be your parents or teachers or elder siblings, who used to take the blame. Now, it is you who have to take the blame, or rather say take the responsibility of any wrong happening in life.

But the problem of today's teenager and even grownups is, the moment you blame them for something or some wrong decision, held them of some wrongdoing, they retaliate. They revolt. And some show them revolt by taking their own lives.

Your life is valuable, not to you but for someone. Ok forget about parents, siblings, relatives, whether they're gonna miss you or not, but I guarantee you, there will be one friend of yours, whom you mean the world to him/her. Who will cry silently in their room, missing you even after years? At least think of them before taking your lives.

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Published by

CA Rishabh Jain
(Assistant Manager in EY)
Category Students   Report

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