CA is luck by chance or needs hard work

CA Siddesh Jagdale , Last updated: 31 August 2018  

Many times Students ask me a question. How can we pass the exam? Based on my personal experience, CA exam is not that tough. course results are hard but clearing those exams are easy. Trust me Study for CA exam is easier than what you heard from others. No doubts theses exam check your concepts and memory power. But nothing comes free in our life, hard work is important. How I Studied for CA Exam. I’m creating this article based on my own experience. There are always a people who have faith in you, eg. your parents, your boss and etc etc..)

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I followed step by step approach, started from basics, Focus on training(Articleship) and Classes (Selective).CA was always the first choice and I did not keep any other options in my life. For me Either CA or no way. This approach helps me focus on my goal. No to CS, CFA or MBA or Mom exams at all. I saw many students doing multiple studies for multiple degrees. How many get cleared, that is a subject of research.

But because of this, our focus will be changed and the outcome will delayed. At end of the day, you will be able to practice in either of one only. Just because CA is tough to focus on CS or Cost Accounting, this is not the right approach. So first advice is Keep Focus on current goal don’t run behind what your friend or seniors did.

Complete your training (Articleship), no matter how hard it is.

Training not only clears your conceptual knowledge but also teach you life hacks. You learn a discipline in your life. I came across a lot of CA’s who did not focus on the training and qualify with book knowledge. We all know what happens with them when they hit the market. Your office teaches you a time management, professional behaviour, this is the first time when you start meeting the people out of your comfort zone. This increase your communication skills & also gives a chance to increase your social appearance. It creates your own identity in the field. I will say this is a foundation of future, build it cleverly. The World is round, who knows you face the same person again in your life. So no matter how hard it is focusing on your end result is important.

Complete Your Classes & do a self-study

Plan your classes & Subject for self-study. You did not require to attend class for each subject, some of you can consider on your own. I self-studied for Audits, Income Tax, Information Technology, Strategy Management. Why self-studied? The answer is simple many of them get in your Training at free. You know these are the subjects where you get the money (Stipend) & your boss/seniors are the teachers. Isn’t it simple…).

Just change the approach to how you see the things, it automatically changes your life. So complete your Classes early & keep practicing. Many time it happens student complete the classes but forgets to revise. Our brain is very strong & we utilize only 10% of it. There is saying

“Out of Sight Out of Your Mind“.

This is what happened when you complete your classes but forgot to revise. So Revision is very important apart from completing your classes.

Power of Visualization

This is the strongest method to earn anything whatever you want. What i mean read your name with a prefix of your degree which you are studying for. see how it feel. Write it down on your books, & study table. Keep the CA Logo as your screen wallpaper. Daily before you go to bed, visualize’s the greatest power & this will keep your brain ready. Whenever you feel low visualize your name with those prefix and see the difference. Passing CA exams is not a rocket since we all humans including paper setter & checker. I know you laughing.

After completion of Classes & Training, the next important phase exam preparation.

Say Now you have Three and Half Months before the exams, now prepare a timetable for next 3.5 months. At the high-level, time for first reading, second reading and then test series and finally third revision and then hit exam. Let’s see one by one. This four-month will be turning points of your life. It’s like take it or leave it. Just forgot whatever you did in past Twelve months focus on next four Months.

Give Forty-Two Days For First Reading

When I say detail reading, you need to touch each and every concepts and subject. Plan 4-5 subject each day & alternate to the group. You can do any other miss match. Theory reading in the morning. Whereas a practical subject like accounts, costing can be taken on noon & night-time. It’s up to you. This is what I did. During your detail reading, make sure to highlight the concept & make notes. This will help in your second reading. Prepare a chart & diagram or whatever you love to try to keep in those form. Give small treats to yourself after completion of the milestone, say first reading. This will keep you motivated.

Next Twenty-Twenty Five days for Second reading

Here is a hack, no need to read again all books. Now go only concept reading & understanding them. As i said in the earlier step. Now you ready with your notes & points. All here I am saying is practice and practice. This way your memory will start acting and recalled concepts you learned. Power of brain, utilize it. Read your charts try to link with other concepts & build the whole subject in your way. This is why I asked you to create charts/diagrams etc.

Next Sixteen Days

You know this is really important steps, we read all the time in for exams but we forgot to write. Yes now try to solve the question papers of last few years. I joined Test series, as i stays in Pune, thankfully have easy availability. This will help you in another way, of course solving question paper on your own will help but not in that way which i am expecting. I mean you can not write answers and check your own. For me, i am always right or even you try to check from answer-sheet this will waste your time. So join any good test series i would recommend minimum two test series. Take a break of a week in between both the series. This you can try first in between on your second reading and Second after completion of second reading. Test series gives you the confidence. Do you know where a student goes wrong? In Writing and not able to clarify answers correctly. Also spelling mistakes, grammar error and bad handwriting. One other important thing is a shortage of time during the exam. If you want to overcome from all this hell, Test series are a must.

Last 25 Days

Revision of concepts and analysis of test series result. During the test series, I realize that what topic I need to cover & need more clarity. So my next 25 days focus used to reading giving extra time to those concepts which i missed in my test. This might be my third reading. Might be, because during the test series I already read the concept before giving the paper.

Ready for exam day

After all this, now you are ready for the exam. Keep calm & have faith in yourself. During exam days & before also don’t do night study, this will disturb your day. You will not able to concentrate on the exam hall. I used to feel drowsy so my advice is not to do the overnight study. It just an exam and you can do it.

Don’t forget to enjoy the moments

If you are doing CA means you have no life during those 3-4 years, please give me a break. Keep doing those things which give you happiness. That’s why I said in my first step give a small-small treat to yourself, after completion of the milestone.

Be Happy and don’t over analyze the situation and question. The analysis is fine but over analysis will kill your thinking. You would be in the different world, so keep it simple.

About Me:

Hey Folks, I'm CA Siddesh Jagdale. I am not an economist. I do not have a fancy degree in Business Management. Neither do I qualify to be called a “Business Journalist” I cannot give you “macro” or “micro” policy analysis. I am just a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT I’m in writing since last Five (5) years. My Goal is to educate the people, so they can make informed financial decisions. As a CA I always came across Two Question First How to save a tax & second one How to build wealth. This is a small initiate by me to help society. We are very less aware of the financial products. 

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CA Siddesh Jagdale
(Sr. Global Fin Manager )
Category Students   Report

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