CA is a part of life and not your whole life #MyCAstory

Pooja Patani , Last updated: 13 August 2018  

Hello guys !! This is my article here so please if you find it helpful do let me know through the comments. This article is about my perception and more about my journey of looking towards life. Even if we are doing CA we are eligible for everything else what other people do. Normal humans call it FUN. "CA students are not supposed to have any of it" is just hypothetical.

So I am sharing with you my journey about my interests in different fields which I managed to learn along with doing CA. No doubt the Journey of entering CPT till becoming a CA is itself commendable but its not our whole life. We miss our best years to become something worthy, I agree. Even if the syllabus is huge you can pursue other things which interests you. I am one of them. I have diversity in my interest and frankly sometimes I do think in *reverse that doing CA has come in middle of pursuing my dreams*. No doubt completing CA is right now at the top of the list but still, it's just ***'one of those thoughts.'***

Since childhood, I had the habit of doing something different rather than in academics. When I was in **10th** I learned *kickboxing* and even played *Tug of War* at state level along with scoring **89.98%.** When I was in **11th** I did *Personality Development Course* along with giving lectures and teaching some of the students. In 11th I was **second** in my whole college.

When I was in **12th** along with 12th studies I didn't get much of time as I was even studying for CPT but still I did manage to go to hear proceedings along with my dad and even started writing my diary on daily basis for the first time. And not to mention I scored **86.87%** in ***12th*** and even cleared my ***CPT*** in one go.

When going in **1st year** of my college in ILS, Pune I took part in *moot courts* like novices and all. While staying in a hostel I did manage to keep my interest in *badminton* and continued to play till state level. Not to mention that I cleared my **Law** 1st year with **first class **but** **didn't clear my IPCC but that has nothing to do with other interests that's what I think :P

When I was in **the second year** I did clear my IPCC first group and along with it, I developed a real interest towards ***Theatre***.

I know you will call me crazy but I did joined a theatre group and was a part of it for almost a year and that experience did change me into a different person. My perception expanded. I was not best at acting but I was loving what I was doing. I did a lot of street plays and too many theatre plays where audience was huge. That was just amazing experience but as I said CA came in between so I had to leave the group to study for IPCC group 2. When I was in **third year** I did cleared my IPCC group 2 and you might call me crazy after hearing the next part.

When I was in my 3rd year after clearing my IPCC 2nd group I didn't registered for my articleship immediately. I sort of took a break of almost 1 year before I started my articleship. Call me crazy but yeah I did it (sort of regret that now) but then in that time I developed a new interest that was **sketching and painting**.

I have **4-5** huge paintings of my own and almost **20-30 **sketches of family, friends and some of the actors. **For me this is my priceless possession till date.**

As I had my college still going on I even learned dancing joined the classes for a month and yeah I came to know I can dance very well. In this one year I went on trips with my friends. In that trip we did covered *Uttarakhand*. If you have been there and did the ***river rafting*** you pretty much know about what experience I am talking about. I have *water phobia.* In my entire lifetime I haven't been inside a swimming pool but still I did river rafting at one of the most biggest river in the India.

Like till today I get goosebumps just remembering that day. It brought a big change in my perception and I learnt a lot of new things about myself. So as **Fourth year** came by I registered myself for the articleship.**

**That was not at all boring. I kept on learning. That was the time when my days or weeks would passed and it would make me feel that I haven't done anything. That time I started reading I used to read on daily basis. Sometimes I used to carry my novel to the Law class and seating at back bench I used to read it. I read lot of like literally lot of books and I still do that.

Then the **fifth** year came which was one of the most toughest year of my life. Managing with Fifth year of law and its studies along with your final classes and articleship, it was a very hectic period but you know what kept me going through those boring moments was the experiences I shared above.

I used to tell myself this is just some days to go. You are not this but you are someone interesting who has done lot of things. That was the time when I got addicted to watching series. Not to mention I am a very very very big fan of HIMYM. For me, HIMYM was a life-changing experience. It taught me many things and I still watch them.

That's how I tried to feed my interests. My interests were not related to each other but still I made sure that I should give it a try if it interests me. I did lot of different things in my life and I am proud of it. I know Educational factor is very important in someone's life but according to me you should be able to maintain balance and that's how you learn more.

When you learn more with interest you are able to give more to your surrounding which is an essential part of your life like family, friends, colleagues or your relationship. That's how you are able to grow. This is how I will continue to grow.

Hope so you are convinced with such a long article that you may be varied in your interest but you can still be awesome in stuffs that you like and always wanted to do.

**CA is a part of your life it's not your whole life**. So all the best. Go out find your passion and see the difference on your own.

The author is a CA Final Student, who completed her BSL LLB from ILS, Pune plus a small writer on Quora who mostly write on topics related to CA. 

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Published by

Pooja Patani
(Student CA Final )
Category Students   Report

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