2019 CA IPCC Result - Trend Analysis on Pass Percentage & Marks of Rank Holders

CCI Team , Last updated: 03 February 2020  

Update: The trend analysis of pass percentage of CA Intermediate Nov'19 says that the pass percentage of CA Intermediate new has decreased by 2.74%. The pass percentage of CA Final old has decreased by 0.36%. To view, the pass percentage, rankholders marksheet click here. 

Akshat Goyal has secured All India 1st Rank (AIR-1) and Anjali Goyal has secured All India 3rd rank (AIR-3) in CA Intermediate May 2019 exams. Akshat Goyal has scored Ever Highest Marks of 735 out of 800

ICAI has declared the CA Intermediate May'19 results and the same can be accessed from the sites: icaiexam.icai.org, icai.nic.in.

ICAI has officially announced the CA IPCC result November 2018 on 8th February 2019 at 5:00 pm.

Two set of results were announced - CA IPCC NOV 2018 (OLD COURSE) & CA IPCC NOV 2018 (NEW COURSE)

The trend analysis of the pass percentage for the CA IPCC Nov 2018 result is given below, in comparison with the trend of the past years pass percentage

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results Nov 2018 (Old Course) attempt showed an upward trend with 12.58% students passing the Group I as compared to 10.15% in the CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course) attempt. Out of the 40157 students who appeared for Group I alone 5051 students passed the exam.

However, the Group II of CA IPCC result Nov 2018 (Old Course) showed a tremendous improvement with a whopping 31.51% students passing the exams as compared to the pass percentage of CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course) where it was down to 15.05% only. Out of the 68888 students who appeared for Group II alone 21708 students passed the exam.

The aggregate students who passed both the groups there was a upward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC result Nov 2018 (Old Course) students decreased to a net of 2.07% students who passed both the groups as compared to 1.07% in CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course).. Out of the 25375 students who appeared for both the groups 524 students became CA Finalists.


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May/June 2019

Pass Percentage of CA Intermediate May'19 (Old Course)

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I 45857 6716 14.65 %
Group II 73091 15932 21.80 %
Both Groups 17061 324 1.90 %

Pass Percentage of CA Intermediate May'19 (New Course)

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I 51755 9153 17.69 %
Group II 41350 13109 31.70 %
Both Groups 25794 4413 17.11 %

Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result Nov 2018 (OLD COURSE)

ICAI has officially announced the CA IPCC result November 2018 on 8th February 2019 at 5:00 pm.

Two set of results were announced - CA IPCC NOV 2018 (OLD COURSE) & CA IPCC NOV 2018 (NEW COURSE)

The trend analysis of the pass percentage for the CA IPCC Nov 2018 result is given below, in comparison with the trend of the past years' pass percentage

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results Nov 2018 (Old Course) attempt showed an upward trend with 12.58% students passing the Group I as compared to 10.15% in the CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course) attempt. Out of the 40157 students who appeared for Group I alone 5051 students passed the exam.

However, the Group II of CA IPCC result Nov 2018 (Old Course) showed a tremendous improvement with a whopping 31.51% students passing the exams as compared to the pass percentage of CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course) where it was down to 15.05% only. Out of the 68888 students who appeared for Group II alone 21708 students passed the exam.

The aggregate students who passed both the groups there was a upward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC result Nov 2018 (Old Course) students decreased to a net of 2.07% students who passed both the groups as compared to 1.07% in CA IPCC result May 2018 (Old Course).. Out of the 25375 students who appeared for both the groups 524 students became CA Finalists.


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result Nov 2018 (NEW COURSE)

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of Nov 2018 (New Course) attempt showed a downward trend with 18.54% students passing the Group I as compared to 23.04% in the CA IPCC Result May 2018 (New Course) attempt. Out of the 24411 students who appeared for Group I alone 4525 students passed the exam.

However, the Group II of CA IPCC Nov 2018 (New Course) results showed a tremendous improvement with a whopping 43.04% students passing the exams as compared to the pass percentage of CA IPCC of May 2018 (New Course) where it was down to 4.04% only. Out of the 8652 students who appeared for Group II alone 3724 students passed the exam.

However, for the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was a downward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC result Nov 2018 (New Course) students decreased to a net of 8.88% students who passed both the groups as compared to 17.98% in CA IPCC Result May 2018 (New Course). Out of the 21909 students who appeared for both the groups 1946 became CA Finalists.

Pass Percentage of CA Inter (Old) Nov'18 Exams

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 40157 5051 12.58 %
Group II only 68888 21708 31.51 %
Both Groups 25375    
Passed Group I 5011 19.75 %
Passed Group II 42 0.17 %
Passed Both Groups 524 2.07%

Pass Percentage of CA Inter (New) Nov'18 Exams

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 24411 4525 18.54%
Group II only 8652 3724 43.04%
Both Groups 21,909    
Passed Group I 6103 27.86%
Passed Group II 46 0.21%
Passed Both Groups 1946 8.88%

Toppers of CA Inter (Old) Nov'18 Exams


Toppers of CA Inter (New) Nov'18 Exams


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2018 (New course)

Particulars Appeared Passed Pass (%)
Group I only 13135 3026 23.04
Group II only 445 18 4.04
Both Groups 19108    
Passed Group 1   4919 25.74
Passed Group II   15 0.08
Passed Both   3435 17.98

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of May 2018 attempt showed an upward trend with 23.04% students passing the Group I as compared to 13.92% in the CA IPCC Nov 2017 attempt. Out of the 13135 students who appeared for Group I alone 3026 students passed the exam.

Also, in the Group II the pass percentage of CA IPCC of May 2018 saw even a further downfall where it went down to 4.04% from 20.38% in CA IPCC Nov 2017 attempt.

However, for the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was a downward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC May 2018 students decreased by 8.74% making it to a net of 17.98% students who passed both the groups as compared to 26.72% in Nov 2017. Out of the 19108 students who appeared for both the groups 3435 became CA Finalists.

Toppers of CA IPCC May 2018 (New course)


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2018 (Old course)

Particulars Appeared Passed Pass (%)
Group I only 53149 5392 10.15
Group II only 72146 10861 15.05
Both Groups 32878    
Passed Group 1   6296 19.15
Passed Group II   22 0.07
Passed Both   353 1.07

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of May 2018 (Old Course) attempt showed an downward trend with 10.15% students passing the Group I as compared to 13.92% in the CA IPCC Nov 2017 attempt. Out of the 53149 students who appeared for Group I alone 5392 students passed the exam.

Also, in the Group II the pass percentage of CA IPCC of May 2018 saw even a further downfall where it went down to 15.05% from 20.38% in CA IPCC Nov 2017 attempt.

However, for the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was a major downfall in the trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC May 2018 students decreased by 25.65% making it to a net of 1.07% students who passed both the groups as compared to 26.72% in Nov 2017. Out of the 32878 students who appeared for both the groups only 353 became CA Finalists.

Toppers of CA IPCC May 2018 (Old course)


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result Nov 2017

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 72148 10042 13.92 %
Group II only 65393 13330 20.38 %
Both Groups      
Passed one of the groups / both groups 49215 13149 26.72 %

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of Nov 2017 attempt showed a downward trend with 13.92% students passing the Group I as compared to 17.48% in the CA IPCC May 2017 attempt.

However, for the students who appeared who appeared in the Group II alone, the pass percentage of CA IPCC of Nov 2017 saw an upward trend where it went up to 20.38% from 9.84% in CA IPCC May 2017 attempt.

However, for the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was an upward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC Nov 2017 students rose by 3.6% making it to a net of 26.72% students who passed both the groups as compared to 23.12% in CA IPCC May 2017.

Toppers of CA IPCC Nov 2017


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2017

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 66680 6562 9.84%
Group II only 65453 11440 17.48 %
Both Groups      
Passed one of the groups / both groups 49967 11550 23.12 %

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of May 2017 attempt showed a downward trend with 9.84% students passing the Group I as compared to 19.27% in the CA IPCC Nov 2016 attempt.

Also, in the Group II the pass percentage of CA IPCC of May 2017 saw even a further downfall where it went down to 17.48% from 30.10% in CA IPCC Nov 2016 attempt.

For the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was again a downfall trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC May 2017 students decreased by 9.41% making it to a net of 23.12% students who passed either one of the groups or both the groups.

Toppers of CA IPCC May 2017


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result Nov 2016

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 69653 13424 19.27 %
Group II only 62123 18701 30.10 % 
Both Groups      
Passed one of the groups / both groups 47766 15543 32.53 %

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of Nov 2016 attempt showed a surge in the number of students passed in the first group. 19.27% of the students who appeared in the Group I passed it as compared to 9.18% in the CA IPCC May 2016 attempt.

Also, the pass percentage of CA IPCC of Nov 2016 saw even a further upward trend where for the students who appeared in the Group II alone, it went up to 30.10% from 7.06% in CA IPCC May 2016 attempt.

And, for the aggregate, students who appeared in both the groups of CA IPCC Nov 2016 attempt, a whopping 32.53% students passed either both the groups or one of the groups making it an upward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC students rose by 10.39% as compared to May 2016.

Toppers of CA IPCC Nov 2016


Trend Analysis of Pass Percentage of CA IPCC Result May 2016

Group No. of Candidates appeared No. of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage
Group I only 65672  6028 9.18 %
Group II only 56742 4004 7.06 %
Both Groups 47979    
Passed Group I Only 8279 17.26 %
Passed Group II Only 46 0.10 %
Passed Both Groups 2295 4.78 %

The pass percentage of CA IPCC results of May 2016 attempt showed a downward trend with 9.18% students passing the Group I as compared to 10.69% in the CA IPCC Nov 2015 attempt.

Also, in the Group II the pass percentage of CA IPCC of May 2016 saw even a further downfall where it went down to 7.06% from 12.72% in CA IPCC May 2015 attempt.

However, for the aggregate students who passed both the groups there was an upward trend where the pass percentage of CA IPCC students rose by 0.64% making it to a net of 4.78% students who passed both the groups.

Toppers of CA IPCC May 2016


Also Read: Be prepared for CA IPCC May/June 2019 exam results

FAQ on CA Result

What is the pass percentage of CA Final 2019?

The pass percentage of CA Final 2019 is 7.63% (Old syllabus) and 20.85% (New Syllabus)

What is the pass percentage of CA IPCC/Inter 2018?

The pass percentage of CA IPCC/Inter 2018 is 2.07% (Old syllabus) and 8.88% (New Syllabus)

When will the CA IPCC November 2018 results be declared?

ICAI has officially announced the CA IPCC result November 2018 on 8th February 2019 at 5:00 pm.

What is the pass percentage of CA Inter/IPCC 2019?

The pass percentage of CA IPCC Old is 1.90% and CA Intermediate (New) is 17.11%

When will the CA IPCC/Inter results be declared?

The CA IPCC / Inter results were declared on 23rd August 2019 (Evening)

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