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CA, I am Possible! (Making Impossible Possible)

@VaibhavJ , Last updated: 25 January 2013  

Hey Friends.

After result I saw students running here & there for what to do next? This made me to write this article & put what all I have learned all this years from Books, Workshops, Online Courses & so on.

Today we will be exploring holistic approach on preparing & appearing in exam. My question to you is did you ever thought of failing any single paper in your school days? Certainly no, so why many of us before starting to prepare discuss about that with our family, friends & colleague on how to pass CA exam. Your mental approach should be that strong that you go & write exam and on result day you are just thinking of which RANK you will be getting, that’s it. I still remember the day when our SSC result was about to declare, none of us have ever wondered about what is failing!! We were tensed to know that who is ranking 1st.

So why such attitude is not there for CA exam? Its because that many of us taking it as lightly. We are not disciplined in our daily routine towards studies nor on keeping right attitude towards CA exam. On the other side time to prepare for CA exams are more than any academic which is of generally one year.

So now let us focus on correcting all aspects of your life to take us on the track. Let us make fresh start keeping in mind all lesson from the past attempts.

Its never too late to be what you definitely have been”.

So starting from the basics, we will first work on forming right attitude. Since its inbuilt  quality of a human being this cannot be altered so easily, however with a simple & silly sounding tricks even mind falls in to the trap and it will start dancing according to your direction.

Mental Preparation:

Step - 1

DO you think CA is trap? The vicious circle of never ending May – Nov – May. So you need to fix your thought process. Take a fresh piece of paper & write down why you think it is a trap. Write down all reasons you think & know that you can’t be a CA. Write it down one by one all possible reasons & it may include that “Shantabai told to your mom that if your child will become CA I will come on time from tomorrow or your dad tells you if you will become CA then sun will rise from east”.

See how simple this exercise may look, but its definitely direct attacking to mental & subconscious brain. Once you have done with writing all points you have no reason in your mind thinking CA is Trap and Its Impossible / Difficult to pass CA exams. You can show to your family members & friends this list and ask them to add something on it.

Once you are done with it then take a black marker pen & write above it in capital letter, “THIS IS ALL CRAP”. Yes all this myth & you can definitely become CA. Just fold that paper & throw it in dustbin, you can also put it on fire. There should not be any existence of such thing in your life now on and don’t give damn to it henceforth.

Step - 2

Now take a fresh big canvas paper and title it with, Importance of myself being CA. Here instead of myself write down your name. Yes your name & this part is gonna change your life today. One by one write down all those things you will get/achieve once you become CA. Ya its your wish list so be generous & childish you can. Write down all certain things you know that which you will have in your life once you become CA. Write down all things that will bring happiness in the life of you & your family. The list may include few things like:

I will get a good job, pride to my parents in society, a respect in office, a status, all financial freedom, a life mate and so on.

It should contain at least 20 things in it & make it larger. While writing write it with all emotions & feeling that you are accomplishing tour target and one by one each thing is becoming reality in your life. Make it colorful. Associate feeling of pleasure and gratitude with each item while writing. Take all your time & write it slowly. Make it colorful and if possible make a stick picture of the thing beside it so it makes more real.

So isn’t is sound crazy, yes indeed and once you become CA, all people mentioned in step 1 will go crazy!!

Step - 3

It is last step on forming mental aspect of your life. It is as crucial as step 2, here you are going to write down the pain which you will get & pain which you are suffering only because of you not passing CA. On back side of the same canvas paper give title, If I fails in May 2013 CA exam and below it write down all those pain you will be getting, feel that pain while writing things. List may include things like: No Good Job, Salary lose, no financial freedom & so on.

As I have mentioned earlier while writing each & every thing feel that pain & write down. And do all exercise honestly, if you are not being honest chances of your success will get declined since it is powerful scientific exercise.

Read this both daily when you wake up, every time before you start with study and before going to sleep. To give magnificent effect of this in your life, put a mid night alarm of around 3.30, wake up when alarm rings & read this under light of torch. Once you done with reading, just go to sleep.

Harmony with environment & a Challenge to yourself:

Being in harmony with the environment is very crucial since it will direct all positive energy to you for optimum success in all area of your life. What do you mean by harmony with environment? Very often as a human being we have tendency to hide. We don’t tell truth to people around you, we tell them things in different way. So it is very important that all people & things in your life should be in harmony with you being CA. If they are in harmony with you chances of they creating obstacle will get reduced and on the other hand they will help you.

Say for E.G. you must be thinking how your neighbor will help you? Its simple once you have enroll them in you being CA and asked them to help you in  that, I am sure that they wont be playing high music, they wont offer you to go on movies and so on. So this way identify each persons in your life, start with your family. Confess in front of them all your past mistakes & enroll them to help you in passing this exam. See it is not at all difficult to enroll people when you are authentic in front of them.

Challenging yourself in front of the people in your life is like putting magnet in front of an iron. Where iron is success and you are magnet. A human being performs the best when they are challenged & stretched to their optimum limits. We are not aware about the strength we have & how far we can stretch. So you have to put yourself on to stack something which you cannot ever loss in your life.

So while having conversation with people in your life you have to also declare to them that you are going to clear your CA exam in this attempt and tell them thing on the stack. See fear of people is most active thing to make people work. When there is a test next day you study till late night however you don’t study generally.

So till now you know how to cultivate basic qualities & how to be in harmony with the environment. Now we will be concentrating & acquiring tools for your preparation and preparing with strategic plan to achieve our desired success in CA exam.

Source: Self

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