Allocation of Overhead Expenses[Submitted by Mr. Anshul Rastogi, CA(Final) Student] Overhead is expenses incurred for carrying out the production process and sale of finished goods. On the other hand overhead is an indirect cost i.e. cost does not d
Comparative Study of AS-2 (Valuation of Inventories) and IAS-2 (Inventories)[By Mr. Anshul Rastogi, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh,Student of CA Final]June 12, 2007AS-2IAS-2Valuation of Finished Goods and Work In Progress (WIP) Inventories in form of finished
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF AS-22 (ACCOUNTING FOR TAXES ON INCOME) AND IAS-12 (INCOME TAXES)[Submitted by Mr. Anshul Rastogi,CA(Final),Meerut, Uttar Pradesh]July 6, 2007OBJECTIVE (AS-22 and IAS-12) To prescribe the accounting treatment for taxes on income.
Subject : Chartered Accountants Act & Regulations Month-Year : May 2007 Author/s : T. N. Manoharan Chartered Accountant Topic : Multidisciplinary firms - Care, caution and credits
CENVAT credit is allowed to output service providers in respect of input services consumed by them used in providing output service.It is often argued that CENVAT Credit is not allowed on Service Tax paid on mobile phones.Argument is backed by Circul
It's increasingly a conflict between the judiciary and the quasi judiciary, seen by many as closer to the executive than the judiciary. The question is whether the new, powerful tribunals and commissions proposed by the government to speed and "moder
Tax evasion, some say, has become a fine art in India. So, it wasperhaps a matter of time before fine art came under the I-T scanner.It would certainly be hard for taxmen to ignore this phenomenon,with the Indian art market currently valued at $350 m
Are the new income tax returns (ITR) `saral' indeed? For close to adecade, successive finance ministers have sought to make the returnseasy to file although many taxpayers are not convinced.According to finance minister P Chidambaram, the return form
The right of cross-examination June, 30th 2007 All the evidence collected by the Assessing Officer which is tobe used against the assessee must be placed before the latter who mustalso be given an opportunity to rebut. An int
Fair Value Stumps Auditors, PCAOB ToldAuditors won't feel at ease about dealing with fair value foranother 20 to 30 years, the PCAOB's advisory group predicts.Sarah Johnson, CFO.comJune 22, 2007The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's advisory