CAclubindia Articles

Being a cost accountant

  Guest    30 November 2011 at 12:58

The lowdown Cost accountants collect, assimilate, collate and analyse all financial information related to an organisation. Their main role is to ensure that managerial decisions are within cost prescriptions. They need to give a prognosis for pro

Taxability of VRS Compensation

  CA Mandar Joshi    29 November 2011 at 13:54

Whenever any employer organisation decides to introduce a scheme of Voluntary Retirement from the service, the main issue with employees' union, apart from consensus on VRS Compensation amount, is Taxability of that amount since the amount is

Income tax Scrutiny Assessment

  CA Satish Badve    29 November 2011 at 13:54

Scrutiny of the income tax return is a regular feature to find out whether the income declared in the income tax return of relevant assessment year is correct and the income tax has been paid on the same.

How to save more by spending smarter?

  Ramalingam K    29 November 2011 at 13:52

The willingness and the ability to save money is the secret of building wealth. So as to save money, you need to spend less than you actually earn. Though it looks very simple when you say, it is really difficult to implement. There are plenty of wa

One-Minute Guide To Understanding - Consolidated account statement (CAS)

  Guest    28 November 2011 at 13:21

I would ensure that you do not have to track the account statements of different MF schemes separately and thus would help you reduce your paperwork What am I? Unlike a normal account statement issued by a mutual fund (MF) house, which provides

Storytelling for Risk Managers

  Sonia Jaspal    28 November 2011 at 13:18

When I started writing my blog "Sonia Jaspal's RIskBoard", a few writers and fellow bloggers gave me an ego deflating feedback Your posts read like research papers, you should write more stories. My reaction was

Inventory Valuations and Board of Director's Responsibility

  CMA Navneet Kr Jain    28 November 2011 at 13:17

INVENTORY VALUATIONS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY 2011-12 ONWARD UNDER NEW COST ACCOUNTING RECORD RULES-2011: By Navneet Kumar Jain, Practising Cost Accountant, Delhi Inventory valuation is one of the most important task in the accou

Embezzlement-Arthshastra, Audit and Tax

  Lekshmi    28 November 2011 at 13:14

Fraud, embezzlement, concealment of material facts, misappropriation, the list seem endless when the auditor is involved in the examination of financial statements. Chanakya who lived in India, is considere

Business communication

  *RENU SINGH *    28 November 2011 at 13:13

A big hi to all !!!!!!!!! This is November month. And I am trying a different tack. So, I am going to talk about communication skills. With good communication skill a person can gravitate people towards himself with ease. So here are so

How the banking crisis became a fiscal one

  Guest    26 November 2011 at 10:33

How did the subprime crisis in the US morph into a crisis of sovereign debt in the euro zone countries? From its introduction in 1999 to the start of the subprime crisis in mid-2007, spreads over German bunds or government bonds on euro zone count