Articles by Madhukar N Hiregange

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Understanding the GST Model Law- Input Tax Credit

  Madhukar N Hiregange    21 July 2016 at 11:32

The GST philosophy was based on seamless credit not only of all taxes but all taxes used for business without restriction. This is not so.

Understanding GST Model Law- Taxable person

  Madhukar N Hiregange    18 July 2016 at 10:46

Collecting taxes before they are due is unfair to tax payers- practice continued under GST

Understanding GST Model Law - Time of supply of goods

  Madhukar N Hiregange    18 July 2016 at 10:45

Chanakya in his arthashastra said- do not pluck the fruits before they are ripe. Revenue dept- has been doing this for some time

Understanding GST Model Law: Levy- Part-3

  Madhukar N Hiregange    09 July 2016 at 11:29

GST Law needs to be simple and not restrictive. Tax to be collected like bee collecting honey.

Understanding the GST Model Law: Meaning of "Supply"- Part 2

  Madhukar N Hiregange    09 July 2016 at 11:28

Understanding the meaning of supply is important to be able to appreciate the GST Law as all supplies are taxable.

Understanding the Model Law- Part-1 (Conceptual Issues to Succeed)

  Madhukar N Hiregange    07 July 2016 at 11:05

The GST model law as it stands is a disaster- totally loaded against the honest tax payer- too cumbersome for the SMEs. Needs a major surgery.

Helicopter view of GST Model Law - June 2016

  Madhukar N Hiregange    28 June 2016 at 10:40

It appears that the GST maybe ushered in by April 2017. Industry, Officers, and Professionals need to be aware to meet these challenges. A brief write up.

Validity of Service Tax Audit - June 2016

  Madhukar N Hiregange    09 June 2016 at 11:06

In the past there have been a lot of disputes with quashing of Rule on audit [5A(2)], leading to questioning of legality of service

Professional Opportunity - Central Excise - Jewellery

  Madhukar N Hiregange    26 March 2016 at 12:11

The new assessee engaged in manufacture of jewellery may find it difficult to cope with compliance requirements under Central Excise law. The liability starts from 1st March 2016 though some procedural relaxations provided to the Jewellery segment.T

Possible Best Practices - Branches of ICAI

  Madhukar N Hiregange    22 February 2016 at 11:00

The Organisation of the ICAI is in 3 levels- The Central Council � To make Policies; The Regional Councils � To spread the policies and enable/ empower branches to take forward; and the branches to actually execute/ implement the policie