Focus on your study time on the important areas that are most frequently asked in the exams.
Note to the financial statements of the company on Trade Receivables that there is an increase in trade receivables while comparing the outstanding balance as at the end of the previous year and the current year.
It was observed that the separate section on going concern was not reported by the auditor as required by SA 570 (Revised)
Time is like an arrow, once left the bow does not come back. There are 24 Hours in a day just like everyone else. There is no magic to optimize your 24 hours, it's just planning effectively. Management refers to effective utilization of resources.
It was noted from the accounting policy of revenue that the element of financing has not been considered if the credit term is consistent with market practices...
Common Non-Compliances of Financial Reporting: Equity & Liabilities
To improve the financial reporting practices in the country, the ICAI has constituted Financial Reporting Review Board (FRRB)
OBSERVATIONS1. INVESTMENTS IN EQUITY SHARESIt was observed from the note to the financial statements on Non-Current Investments that the value of investments in..
A Chartered Accountant may start professional practice as a proprietor or join any existing firm as a partner or paid assistant.
A Chartered Accountant may start professional practice as a proprietor or join any existing firm as a partner or paid assistant.