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Articles by Ramalingam K

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How are we a good saver but a bad investor?

  Ramalingam K    13 June 2016 at 10:56

The below piece will help you understand how most of us save intelligently but invest roughly.Every one of us is a doctor in our view, just as we all are financial planners. We rely on self-medication when we are physically down or act as a medical a

Can you trust the online financial calculators?

  Ramalingam K    07 June 2016 at 10:41

Yes, it is true that financial / retirement calculators are simple to use. Based on a few assumptions that you input on your computer about the future, it instantly provides you with a number that indicates how much one needs for his/her retirement.T

Setting aside the 'bad insurance policy' is a good investment policy

  Ramalingam K    03 June 2016 at 10:51

1.What is a Bad Insurance Policy? Did your last insurance policy assure you only insecurity after you bought it? Do you feel that the insurance policy which you have just taken does not serve your purpose? Or, is it that the policy does not give all

3 steps to control risk in your investment portfolio

  Ramalingam K    26 May 2016 at 10:08

Any investor would agree that ignorance and lack of awareness in the investment field can prove to be expensive. In the world of finance and investment, risk management is very closely related, rather necessary for measuring performance. Understandin

What not to do, when investing in real estate?

  Ramalingam K    24 May 2016 at 10:49

There are certain rules applicable to everything we do in our daily lives. The whole idea behind this belief is to fetch the maximal benefits, along with guarding ourselves from any kind of associated risks.In that respect, our personal finance manag

How to identify a reliable financial advisor?

  Ramalingam K    18 May 2016 at 10:44

How do you determine that your financial expert is actually providing you with genuine or fake advice?Can you easily trust any financial advice that you get?Are you sure,whether the financial advice you have received,will fill your pockets or your ad

4 Personal Finance Questions Every College Student must answer

  Ramalingam K    11 May 2016 at 11:29

Are you all set to enter your life's new and most exciting phase, the college? College is an exhilarating period in almost every student's life. This may sometimes let many of us move away from our home

Five frequently made financial planning mistakes and how to avoid them

  Ramalingam K    29 March 2016 at 11:44

The Process of LearningWhich is the best way to learn the lessons of life?There are two ways to learn the essentials of life. The first is by going through the process of structured training and education. The second is about learning hands on, makin

Can low cost providers offer the best financial planning services?

  Ramalingam K    22 March 2016 at 11:16

What do sportsmen like Lionel Messi, M S Dhoni, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams and Novak Djokovic have in common? Well they lend value to the country, club or team which they are associated with. It is their skill set which help their respective teams

5 Critical Warning Signs or Indicators of a Financial Trouble

  Ramalingam K    03 February 2016 at 10:31

What do you consider as the most important factor for a good financial health? I know the most obvious answer to this will be �the income that one earns�. But is it the only factor to keep one�s financial life in the best shape? Thi

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