Companies Act, 2013 along with Companies (Appointment and qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 had made it mandatory for the following class of companies to have at least one women director in their Board: a) All Listed Companies b) Every Public
Budget 2015 Highlights Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax GENERAL 1. FM's Budget speech dwelt on agriculture, public investments in infrastructure, manufacturing and social sector spending. 2. States to be equal partners in economic growth; mo
DIRECT TAXESA. RATES OF INCOME-TAX I. Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2015-2016. In respect of income of all categories of assessees liable to tax for the assessment year 2015-2016, the rates of incometa
INTRODUCTION Credibility of Indian economy has been re-established in the last nine months. Indian economy about to take-off on a fast growth trajectory. Most growth forecasts have upgraded Indian economic growth while downgrad
For the Modi Government, shell-shocked by the excruciating electoral results in the national capital in the second week of this month still rankling, the need to recapture its larger-than-life-size image is too important to be left to the tame prepar
States taken care of, Madam(s) silenced, major parties who matter in the Parliament supporting, the process to introduce the biggest indirect tax reform in India, the GST, has begun. Bill No. 192 of 2014, The Constitution (one hundred and twenty seco
Implementation of GST is set to be the biggest tax reform hitherto ushered in the country. GST will be a Destination based Consumption Tax & will cover both intra State and Inter State trade & Commerce. Inter State Sales will be subjected to
After introduction of Negative List based taxation under service tax from 1.7.2012, the applicability of service tax to voluntary / non-profit organizations (NGOs) has become a contentious issue. This is because of introduction of all encompassing de
RECENT CAG REPORT The Comptroller and Auditor General Report no.32 of 2014 has taken the list of Chartered Accountants who have signed tax Audit cases under Income tax Act of more than 400during FY 2012-13 and there are 22people in the list. ARBITRAR
Much water has flowed down the bridge since the substantive provisions in the Companies Act, 2013 (herein after referred to as the Act) became operational from April 1,2014.The Act has been a subject of wide spread criticism from the