At the international level, you have two options: either you can file a trademark application with the trademark office of each country in which you are seeking protection, or you can use WIPO’s Madrid System.
MCA released a circular a few days back, allowing people to pass a resolution of urgent nature through postal ballot or e-voting without holding a general meeting.
Given this it's crucial that business should assess its risk and rapidly implement the necessary measures at the appropriate scale to reduce the effect of COVID-19.
The Parliament has passed amendments to Companies Act and the bill now advocates for stricter laws for CSR. Amendme
Re-categorising of offences: ..
As we all the aware that the Amendment to Section 89 and insertion of Section 90
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Third Amendment Rules, 2019 have been notified w.e.f 25th July 2019EFORM DIR-3 KYC applicable in two case..
SEBISEBI has revised Annual maintenance charges levied on Debt Securities held through Basic Services Demat Accounts from June 1. The move is expected to furthe..
In relation to notification issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, dated 02nd November
Introduction As per new section inserted after section 10 of the companies act 2013, section 10A says a company incorporat