Articles by CA. Anuj Gupta

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Can NRI or PIO Remit Sale Proceeds of Inherited Immovable Property

  CA. Anuj Gupta    01 August 2011 at 15:27

Sale proceeds of any immovable property inherited by NRI / PIO from a person resident in India can be remitted abroad subject to a ceiling of USD one million per financial year subject to production of documentary evidence in support of inher

Can Resident Indians incorporate a Company/LLC outside India

  CA. Anuj Gupta    27 July 2011 at 10:56

I am being asked this query on almost daily basis by my friends and colleagues and all of them are of view that incorporation of Companies/LLC outside India is permitted in FEMA by RBI under Liberalised Remittance Scheme ,2004. To get the answer of

Residence & Scope of Income In Cross Border Situations

  CA. Anuj Gupta    06 May 2011 at 13:53

As a general principle, law of a State has effect only within its own boundaries. This general principle, however, has a very important exception.