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Articles by CA Anil Garg

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Decode the monetary policy please

  CA Anil Garg    31 October 2013 at 12:43

So, once again RBI has reduced something here, and increased something there. Former will makes loans costlier which will help reduce inflation, and the latter, will improve liquidity for the banks and reduce their cost of funds which will help th

Simplicity & Common Sense can solve CAD problem, but..!

  CA Anil Garg    24 July 2013 at 12:15

Rupee is falling. Growth rate is falling. Economy is nervous and it is complete U turn from a couple of years ago when President Obama visited India. This is when there is no change of guard at the helm. Then what has gone wrong? A peek little deepe

Irrational Caps on FDI

  CA Anil Garg    18 July 2013 at 12:20

Time and again, government treats it as a very serious policy matter asto how much FDI is allowed in a particular sector which seems completely senseless except in some sensitive sectors like defence, and that too, for a very very limited purpose. W

Suggestions for Consideration for New Industrial Policy

  CA Anil Garg    09 April 2012 at 11:39

The following suggestions may also kindly be considered while finalizing the New Industrial Policy for the state/country:- 1) Abolition of the concept of minimum charges and minimum contract period in power supply agreements by State Electricit

High Time We Fix Our Judicial System

  CA Anil Garg    27 March 2012 at 15:09

In world ranking on Ease-Of-Doing-Business in India, India ranks absolutely at the bottom of the world on the criterion of contract enforceability (in fact, last but one, with Latvia taking these honours). Late Palkhiwala used to describe India as

Banks Violating RBI Directives to Extract More Interest from Floating Rate Borrowers

  CA Anil Garg    01 September 2011 at 12:50

It is a very common perception with borrowers of private banks like HDFC and ICICI that they are prompt in increasing their BPLR (Benchmark Prime Lending Rate) every-time RBI increases its Repo Rate but not so prompt in timing and magnitude when R

RBI's monetary policy can never succeed

  CA Anil Garg    28 September 2010 at 11:32

In standard IX, I read that inflation was a situation when too much of money supply was chasing too few of goods, causing prices to rise, popularly known as Inflation. The great recession of 1929 was caused by Germanys massive printing of pape

Income Tax Exemptions are Poor Justification for DTC

  CA Anil Garg    22 September 2010 at 13:40

Experts opinions, newspaper editorials and even comments on CA Club website lavishly talk about income tax exemptions to be distorting the tax scene of the country, leading to massive leakage of revenue to the government and ultimately responsibl

SSIs Under GST Regime

  CA Anil Garg    07 September 2010 at 16:21

Several exemptions are being afforded as a matter of necessity so much that GST is being opposed by SSI units for fear of losing their excise exemptions. Author believes that all exemptions from indirect taxes are unproductive and hence, worthy of

DIRECT TAX CODE - Will it achieve anything for taxpayers?

  CA Anil Garg    30 August 2010 at 11:57

Post Rao era, most reforms in tax laws have promised a lot but delivered very little. VAT was announced with a view to avoid cascading effect of taxes and reduce the burden of compliance on the business community. In reality, govt revenues have go

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